Amusement Shark

He fails to write different characters. His dialogue all sounds like Kevin Smith talking and you can watch actors struggle with his cadences. Tarantino occasionally suffers from this too but he has a visual flair Smith can't touch.

Kevin Smith just gives no fucks about pleasing anyone outside his tight circle of friends and fans. He's like Fox News at this point.
Also, I get really annoyed at Americans attempting "Canadian" humour. It's "aboat", not "aboot" for starters.

If Netflix went up to $15, it better not top $10 in Canada; our selection is a joke in comparison.

Note to self: stop eating sulfuric acid, I guess.

But also Hedley and Marianas Trench are COMPLETELY FUCKING HORRIBLE.

*squints to see fingers*

Starting to think Trump's gold plated image of class is some kind of a facade.

They stick their logo on fucking DVDs. That I legally purchase. In Canada.

I'm picturing the Coast Guard storming out of someone's kitchen sink faucet. "Heard you were talking shit…"

Disney princesses don't re-imagine THEMSELVES, GJI

Only if they find a green-eyed bride.

I wonder how this goes for people of any race who just don't happen to be attractive enough.

There's a special place in hell for the vultures who snatched up tickets for this last Tragically Hip tour to sell them for inflated prices.

For the first time, the name Birth of a Nation will hold unpleasant connotations!

Without age restrictions, apparently.

"What's a four-letter word for snatch?"
"Oh, RIGHT…" *erases crossword answer*

Because of the echo…

The people who take any notice of your trolling think the same of you. Go insert an umbrella in your dickhole and open it.

You'd JINX them!

You're dead to me, Blade Runner sequel.