Amusement Shark

He's currently Earth's second least favorite Jared.

Can we just ignore this Insane Clown Pussy and let this movie slip into the obscurity it deserves: next to 2010's A Nightmare on Elm Street and that one Motley Crue album with a different singer?

Etan Cohen is the Paul W.S. Anderson of comedy.

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Apparently one of the games in development was to feature Garth Vader, Darth's extra-chromosome brother. Look at that dome!

You could make an argument that as a Headmaster, Spike did become an Autobot.

If there's anywhere female Ghostbusters will get respect, it's Dubai, amirite?

I was SURE Rhodey was going to die. Damn trailers.

I don't even remember when Julia Stiles was a man!

Oh good, another think piece about Margot Robbie. It must suck to have people not recognize that you're talented when they focus on how sexy you are. Lots of people go through life being neither.

She's the worst!

I never got my head around hookups as a self-esteem boost, as my self-esteem was always too low to imagine them happening.

Is she the girl that thinks having Justin Bieber's haircut and smoking cigarettes makes her "gender fluid"?

I stand corrected.

Flying is so crowded, cramped and boring that you're really doing yourself a disservice by not wearing sweats or even pajamas. It would make security checks easier too.

But no, you keep on thinking you're the best, America.

Not since every movie poster in the last ten years!

I want a prime time special with Geraldo looking into Trump's bank account.

This movie looks like a dumpster fire. Admittedly I'm a Marvel loyalist but my GOD this movie looks like it was written and directed by a fourteen year old hopped up on Mountain Dew and between rounds of screaming at strangers about their mothers' virtue in Xbox Live. It's an embarrassment.