Amusement Shark

It fucking might as well be.


Jason X made me hate movies like this forever.

Because nepotism is still very real.

Yes! Mrs. Shark keeps getting me to watch that show and every time I try all I see is a bunch of rich white people bickering.

That's the problem; ya got this thing set to "Grating"

Donald Trump thanks you for your support.

Good talk.

Yeah, fuck bald guys for the terrible lifestyle choices they made that culminated in losing their hair. Assholes.

I'd be more interested in Game of Thrones if I heard up front it had something on the order of "Four breasts, three severed heads. Dragon-fu. Joe Bob says check it out".

Joe Bob Briggs is a national treasure.

I want a goddamn Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding movie with Anne Hathaway and Amy Schumer.

She can commiserate with Emily Ratjakowski about how tough it is out there for flawlessly hot women.

Just another asshole who mistakes free speech for a license to harass and demean anyone free of consequences. Eat a dick, Yiannopoulos. A particularly bad-tasting one.

Good luck ever being asked back on Arrested Development, Baio.

So, lots of desperate pauses for laughter?

That little excerpt makes Jason Alexander sound rude as hell.

If no riot grrl in the 90s ever titled her zine Chick Tracts, then this has all been for nothing.

What if I liked Bridesmaids but really hated The Heat?

The concept of original sin combines misogyny, anti-intellectualism AND fearmongering that you're definitely going to hell just for existing. What a fucked up thing to do to a child's psyche.