Amusement Shark

Isn't doo-wop as a term kinda offensive? A lot of those groups were Italian Americans. It's like kraut rock.


If I met the Chili Peppers I would tell them I like the one about California.

Are you implying that Fox News is populated by assholes?

I am legit surprised she's married to a man, in the sense that she can be in the room with one for any length of time.

At least he's not demanding everyone dress up in costumes or formal wear…

I never got the Britney Spears thing. When your first video has you in a school uniform (and you're not Angus Young) doing that wannabe sexy vocal frying, you're just trying way too hard. Then I heard her speak and realized she's an absolute moron.

Yet not impossible by a damn sight.

Imagine a world where we never have to read about Kanye, his wife, OR Lena Dunham ever again.

I chortled.

I gave up on Weeds after realizing five seasons in that Nancy was the worst.

I call it "I've got plums but I'm not a plumber".

Both were also embraced by people that didn't realize they were parodies.

"Untitled" is my JAM

Yeah, Lollipop Chainsaw, Will Smith, Fake RoboCop and the Juggaloker should be real swell.


Cool, I was wondering when someone would boldly experiment with the untapped potential of evil clowns.

Before they Too Many Cooks'ed it out of recognition.

Wasn't there already a short-lived, also terrible Uncle Buck series circa 1990? There was a glut of remakes that season, including Ferris Beuller (with Jennifer Aniston as Jennifer Grey) and Baby Talk (Look Who's Talking in all but name).