Amusement Shark

But hey, any Good Guy With a Gun will settle shit in an instant, right?

I'll get behind "Jim Morrison sucks".

I live in Edmonton. Nickelback can eat a duffel bag of dicks.

Can someone tell me why Crank was never a video game? It's mind-boggling.

Well that's a nightmarish image.

I like Old Milwaukee when I'm in the mood for cheap beer. The pinup ladies on the cans seal the deal.

Been a fan of these guys since Nintendo Cartoon Hour. Sandler movie appearances aside, it's nice watching Andy Samberg's star rise.

Who said they're wack? You take it back!

Shouldn't he have made a big deal out of announcing he was disappointed with someone and made you wait six months to find out who it was?

Needs a little more Zack Snyder bro-ness.

Whoa oh oh
Everyone was wearing fingerless gloves
Whoa oh oh
I saw a Spanish guy doin' the Bartman

I'm so glad I live in a world with The Melvins bravely occupying the space in between punk and metal, while alienating people too slavish to the box either genre alone would place them in.

That's Return of the Living Dead, GOD

"Siding with macho bullies" is why I can't stand Adam Sandler's movies too, other than the fact that they're direly unfunny comedies.

A pretty girl can succeed in the music industry? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

It's hard to explain the cringe factor. It's like if you saw a stranger burst into tears and make a big scene in public. I need a little more ironic distance than that, personally.

My girlfriend and I always laugh at the middle-aged couple, since they cast an actress who looks to be about 26 as the nagging wife.

Correct. I'm so sad that I read the novelization of Part 2, but it has some extra backstory. Jason gets out of the lake shortly after drowning, sees the camp now shuttered, and decides to wait there for Mommy to pick him up. He nearly burns the camp down honing his survival skills, but eventually he sees his mother


This begs the question: where the fuck is Rick Jones in the MCU?