Amusement Shark

The Bill Clinton Administration: An Oral History

I live in Alberta, where seeing the occasional confederate flag is as baffling as it is disgusting.

Ask anyone who attended Rapestock '99.

Ya think maybe the "Less Important Three" (Jesus, man) were against recording that Diane Warren atrocity because they figured they were already set for life and effectively had nothing to gain from another garbage pop ballad?

Ask the werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand.

Oh god now I'm picturing Travis Bickle saying "denkyouveddymuch" and dying.

Maybe it's my complete apathy towards Game of Thrones, but does anyone else think this is really not cool? Traffic laws exist for a reason.
Yes I AM fun at parties.

Like when they parodied Insane Clown Posse's "Miracles" by paraphrasing the actual lyrics for the most part.

I've said it a thousand times: what the hell, Japan?

The rubber baby in Walk Hard slays me every time.

Take a look at cinematographer Dean Cundey's IMDb credits in chronological order if you want to get depressed.

I'm fascinated with the grindhouse era of exploitation films; if I had a time machine one of my first stops would be to catch some vintage imported Italian gorefest on 42nd Street.

Stop insisting Kanye West is a genius. He married a Kardashian and his Twitter persona is about 1% more likeable than Donald Trump's. It's hard to separate art from the artist when all his material is about himself.

I super hate the oversaturated, almost colorized look of the late seventies credits. I have a visceral reaction to it for some reason.

Has he made a movie that's been anything but hanging out since the 90s?

When the word "knowledge" is right there?

This is literally better than what this douchebag will actually be singing.

Eagles of Death Metal aren't death metal!
- a million idiots in November 2015

It's kind of amazing that the "make my day" catch phrase so indelibly associated with Dirty Harry isn't uttered until the fourth movie. Can you imagine Indiana Jones being best known for a line from KOTCS?

There comes a point where they surely have enough money. They can comfortably retire. Are these songs the world NEEDED to hear? They're the musical equivalent of billionaire CEOs dodging taxes.