Amusement Shark

Awful considerate of those Hand ninjas just standing by and letting Daredevil and Elektra beat them down a couple at a time.

Wouldn't shock me if she fabricated that amongst her endless name-dropping. Quentin Tarantino used to claim he was one of the bikers in Dawn of the Dead. He would have been fourteen.

I like to make up fake band names as though I weren't too painfully introverted to even jam with people, much less perform for an audience. My nonexisistent punk band is called The Quincy Episodes.

Imagine the supergroup he could form with the members of Alter Bridge!

Give Phasma a girlfriend.

I know, right? To clarify, I don't hold any particular disdain for the man, just that stupid expression comedies use to oversell their wackiness.

Is he 'aving a laff?

God, I hate Gervais' derp face on that poster so much.

Man, I miss that game.

It's a self-esteem destroyer. I turn it on, realize I look like a thumb, turn off camera.


-Gene Simmons

His music is bad and you should feel bad.

No mention of "One More Astronaut" by I Mother Earth? It's one of Canada's biggest shiniest tunes of the 90s.

Thus, it exploits…people.

I hate that shit where they make individual character posters, then really artlessly cut and paste the same images of the characters into a group shot as though they're standing together.

How in the fuck does someone who died thirty-five years ago have an official Twitter account?

It takes all kinds of critters to make them Ritters.

A la peanut butter sandwiches!

They appeal to that demographic sweet spot of people who don't know how to torrent.