
I won’t lie, the trailer turned me off. An unlikeable character in a modern day America hellscape of lost opportunity and hope surrounded by brown people menacingly displaying gang tattoos, automatic weapons and, a stunning lack of long-sleeved garments?

One of my friends went to see this and posted on facebook about how much she liked it and that it demonstrated that women in groups get.shit.done.

That one is. This one isn’t.

This is exactly the type of movie I will watch.  A few years ago, I ran out of fucks to give about men’s stories, and since then I have started devouring the stories of what the women were doing while the men got all the attention.  

This movie was so good! It should have been marketed a bit more aggressively, really. I feel like the marketing didn’t convey that this is a tense heist film, the kind of thing that should appeal to a larger audience. I highly recommend it, and hope word of mouth gets more eyes on it.

blends the prestige performances of his former projects with the heart-thumping action of any of Tom Cruise’s best

I say this as someone with two decades in the health care system - anyone who defends our current system is either an idiot or a paid shill. It is inefficient, costly, and inequitable. Move to Medicare for all (even just as an option to buy!) would fundamentally change the health care system for the better.

Hi, Louis.

Hi, Louis.

I guess comedy clubs are meant to be safe spaces for comedians.

The answer to all that and more re: Louis CK is “because he could”. Which is why this heckle was so great. He doesn’t give a fuck if you ask him how he could put people in a situation.

Poor Louis. It ruins all the fun when they ask for it. 

Feels like the only person Michelle will legit not fuck with is Trump. Like, I can’t imagine Michelle Obama hating anyone. I’m sure she does because she’s a human being, but I can’t imagine it, and even if she did she’d handle it with such grace and class that you wouldn’t know that she shaded you until you were on

There are almost certainly jurisdictions where non-consensual self-exposure is criminally wrong. Uhh do you actually know anything about this story at all?

Yeah. It’s definitely not nice to bully a person who isn’t allowed to work because his own actions have created an unsafe work environment for his coworkers.

In all fairness, this is probably the first time a woman has asked him to.

i wonder if that’s the same “professional team” that plagiarized mrs obama’s speech. i guess that’s a form of taking advice...

Yes, pouring water, milk, or whatever into a Pyrex measuring cup and putting it in the microwave for a couple minutes is so taxing. Let’s buy a piece of cookware that has only one use and take up some of our limited kitchen space instead of using the versatile appliances and utensils we already own to do the exact

I enjoy making the English froth at the mouth by asking them if microwaving the water is okay.