
If you’re pregnant and have ANY choice in the matter, demand to go to a non-Catholic affiliated hospital for the birth and for any pain or complications throughout the pregnancy. The principle of double effect is in play. They will not approve terminations if terminating the pregnancy is the goal. They regularly


At this point, no one should be confused by how backwards America is.

Screw them. I have seen it and it is not just Catholic but also Baptist, and I am sure there are more. This abuse of power tostop care” they don’t like and to use their size and relationships to even control what people who may work there can do outside is very dangerous. How am I to trust a doctor who is

As a rabidly pro-choice RN working in the OB/GYN world, I genuinely believe helping my patients access a full spectrum of care is my religion. Sadly the only litigious religious organization on this front is the Satanic Temple. I joined them years ago to protect myself should my Catholic employer fire or otherwise

pretty much perfectly matches that “ideal” body type she derides

The idea that you can’t vilify someone who is both a victim and a perpetuator of patriarchal beauty standards is asinine, especially when the people are peddling dangerous fraudulent diet products. She’s not vilifying them for being women but for adding to their followers’ body image issues and begging comparison to

This is EXACTLY why we want a diverse congress, men/women, young/old, single/married, gay/straight. Different people see things differently!

Oh good lord. How about maybe we try living and letting live?

The organization who advocates for the protection of uncontacted peoples (Survival International) have said just that, its very likely the whole island population could be in the midst of facing death from his germs which they have no immunity to. They may dying right now.

I went to that Christian Concern website, and no surprise, they’re actively supporting Christians ministers going where they’ve been explicitly told they’re not welcome and then claiming they’re being persecuted when they get there.

He’s just so distractingly jacked.

You said exactly what I was planning to say. It makes sense that TV would move to fill the gap left as Hollywood’s focus increasingly narrows. Of course there’s a lot of cinema that doesn’t focus on space wizards or comic book heroes beating on each other, but the specific aesthetic called to mind here is not often

You may be putting the cart before the horse here. Its not that good TV is imitating the Golden Age of cinema, its more that the film industry is abandoning the Golden Age aesthetic in favor of lurid comic book aesthetics, leaving the auteur film maker with no place to go except for television. Steven Spielberg’s 1974

Line to take this girl in, adopt her, feed her, and go to her cross-country meets (runs? competitions?) forms next to me.  

First of all, what he did is rather clearly aggravated assault that he pled down to misdemeanor/simple assault. Whether he was allowed to plead down because of his privilege as a white, rich, famous man could charitably called “up for debate.” So the actual penalty for his crime of aggravated assault generally runs to

You realize he choked her until she passed out, right? That is a level of assaulting someone that is high on the “may actually kill someone” characteristics.

Only 15 days in jail for a violent assault? Nah, he got all the break he needs.

Did the victim approach the guy who strangled her and “ask” him to apologize and pay her medical fees? He didn’t know it was called for without being asked?

Took responsibility how? He certainly didn’t, say, offer to pay her medical fees.