Amplified Heat


I'd almost think it was a series finale (albeit it a near rip-off of Space Dandy's ending) if they hadn't crammed in so much plot fertilizer in the episodes leading up to it that were intentionally left unaddressed. Should be quite fertile for next season.

Orgalorg was depicting three doors that coalesced into his current situation (I loved the mockery of 'open door' philosophy as the pointlessness it is), whereas Finn has essentially infinite possibilities before him, and he chose them all.

The comet said his interference was unprecedented, so I wonder if this means the end of Catalyst Comets?

Perhaps they have kingdoms of their own? Hyper competent people seem like they wouldn't get along well, and I get the feeling we've never been more than a few dozen miles from the Kingdom, or above it.

King of Ooo's accountant is totally Lee Atwater, though

Exactly. She's a hypothetical Perfect Ruler who created Utopia, who has literally earned her absolutist station.

Exactly. And anyone who can't see parallels in any/all past or present politicians and a cartoonish political con-man like King of Ooo is more delusional & naïve than the candy people.

Nah, this reviewer's just always looking for Penises in Places, as a substitute for finding real metaphors that may or may not be present. Every time Finn gets a new sword he says it's a penis (so he's gotten like four penises at this point). Every time there's a plot device longer than it is wide, he says it's a

I found the Exposition Turtle to be highly vaginal; you know, many men have difficulty even saying the word. …Vagina.

The real question is what the heck makes Peppermint Butler so special? She made him, too, and he's practically as competent as she herself (actually, apart from certain anti-social hobbies, he seems an equally capable administrator). More evidence she made the candy people idiots intentionally for her own

There were also many hints that this behavior is something of a compulsion, though, which is why I thought it a bit odd how easily she walked away. Last time she was gone four hours, they devolved into a brutal new society of beasts. I guess now, like then, she assumes she can return at any time to quickly undo all

Yeah, I have to wonder how he is supposed to devour worlds when Earth's mere gravity squashes him like a squid on dry land

He kept calling it a 'croak' dream, but he only assumed he died in it; it's not like all Owl dreams predict death (otherwise why would Finn have so many?). Jake's lived his dream twice now, floating in nothing adjacent to Banana Man.

I thought Earth to Ooo was caused by the Mushroom War (also, I thought the MW brought about at least the resurgence of the Lich), and a later comet made the crater (Finn is 1000 years after the MW, and this comet appears after six years or whatever, so the crater comet would have to have happened six years after the

I dunno, his hyper-objective ('everything is meaningless and I don't give a toot') outlook might serve him well as a cosmic being floating in a truly objective realm. Maybe he'll end up with a mundane day job like the Cosmic Owl?

Martin vs. King of Ooo —who's the bigger dillweed?

"It is interesting that his original plan to escape the barrel seemed to legitimately involve taking a dive for Martin 2. He just abandoned that plan when it became apparent that him taking the heat was not necessary."
Might be a hint that taking a dive to save Finn on the heels of causing a Cosmic mess landed his butt

"Will I ever learn how to tell when you're lying or telling the truth?"
"I should hope not."
—Implies he tells the truth, some if not most of the time.

It was 'lard fights' which has to be far cooler than races. I really hope we see more of this at some point, as it is undoubtedly hilarious.