Amplified Heat

Party God's dead; Ice King killed him (there's a metaphor in that somewhere, I'm sure of it)

Eh, it was the second instance of Martin taking advantage of cute little whatsits for his own short-sighted motives (which I think is Martin's real flaw; he did nothing maliciously, he just can't/won't think further than his personal needs five seconds from now), and in that respect it is in keeping with his other

And it's all thanks to Martin. No, seriously; none of this would have happened if he hadn't been such a selfish a-hole. Anyone notice the moth-er-ship (sorry) was purple? Or is my colorblindedness acting funky again. I really hope he isn't a fake comet…again (or the real one, either)

It's a disservice to the fans, I say!

“Just accept that you’re garbage.”
Well, at least it seems she finally learned something about herself during the banishment. While I don't want another tragi-comedy Ice King moping about, slap-sticking it up, I really don't want LSP to be 'redeemed' into anything approaching a decent character. The whole point of

Much better review; thank you. I have no idea how Sava got anything other than LSP reluctantly hitting rock bottom and embracing her animalistic fall, from her gnawing on food with a raccoon outdoors while weeping. The notion the raccoon was 'possessed' is idiotic; the Lich has way better stuff to do than screw with

Tell your excuses to Batman and all the villains he's "accidentally" killed, lol

"OLD, ALONE, BANANAS!" I thought AT and BW would be too independent to trace such identical theme-lines, and here we have evidence that Magic Users (I loved the bit with the spell-dealer abusing 'happy-magic' recreationally) work identically to Emotion Lords.

The Gnome-Knight that was turned into a frog…

Jake's dad had a baby; what of it? lol

Ha! I think I just got it; Sweet Pea is the key. He's still the Lich, after all (Gold Stars made this abundantly clear), but repressed by the big tyke's conscious. But why wouldn't he be able to leak out and run amok while he sleeps? Finn dream has the Lich/Sweet Pea, Finn attracts the Cosmic Owl (frequently,

No, they definitely went there too, what with the flying magical condoms and all…kudos on remembering Mission Hill, though :)

…in an anatomical skin tight bodysuit (or is it Zentai?)

No sequence in the opening credits…yup. Despite being a bigger character than Krieger until very recently.

I'm of two minds; on one hand, it's a easy sure-fire way to rapidly portray her as reptilian monster without burning much screen time (which Malory is short on these days), but it's also gotten apparent that pretty much all she does anymore is fret and worry about the baby destructively (which is sweet, in a lemony

And right on the heels of him losing a hand, no less.

Ooh, or maybe Archer's gonna run for president…they've damn near gone full-on Frisky Dingo towards the end of this season already, after all. Shame; I was really hoping we'd discover that Agent Hawley weren't even CIA, but another damn unlicensed & incompetent espionage crew operating at the behest of a

"…jarringly crass even for Archer"
What about Malory? The phone call intro pretty clearly established that Archer tranq-gunned Lana (his new favorite thing, remember) at his pad, then called mother for advice. Lana having disrobed in anticipation of romance, was then swaddled in (Malory's?) trenchcoat, and spirited

One might almost say Finn was an "agent of change" that fell into their world…

1) The back-up sitter telephone number was just begging for a voice-mail gag at the end (Archer, bleeding from his gunshot wounds, calls for help with his last breath, and "the voicemail of: elaborate voicemail hoax…")
2) Obviously there are multiple Krieger clones, but I suspect one for each episode (those suspecting