Amplified Heat

Good point about 'evil winning', in addition to which see the consequence that PB demands ever greater sacrifice once he as PM where he wants him. Also note that PB won the duel for the exact reason that he is evil; underhanded trickery and a lack of boundaries in conflict. I saw PM's loss as more of a "evil will

do-do-do, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, do-do-do-do-do-do-do…Take— me— on!

I have to agree the drowning bus was awesome, up there with Frosty's burning magical hat, from back when Family Guy was funny ("Take it off! Take it off! …<silence>)

Yeah, man, they were all on top of everybody becuz of their strength, and then they changed the rules so now they're on top, becuz of their strength…man. Sounds like a philosophy a guy like Jake would buy into (props for realism). I did enjoy brutalitarian geopolitics depicted with babies, though; more humorous than

I personally loved the line "we're safe, now…and also caterpillars" delivered as a hilarious understatement. I also got a kick out of Magic Man snickering at Finn's transcendence; the manipulative prick also induces spiritual experiences just to screw with people, in addition to being a jerk and et cetera. Magical

I always think it a failing in writing when they have to resort to montages, even if they were admittedly pretty funny in this one.

Dunno about all that, but I agree the character design was too wonky; so much I think they'd have trouble bringing the character back as is (likewise, I think we've seen the last of Crab Princess, lol). She was too little for Finn, now she's too big.

He regretted it almost immediately…he just had no clue what he was in for —just that it might feel good (kinda like his revenge-trip in The Tower)

"Next week, Finn gets a robot arm!" LOL

I always figured they'd keep it off for a while, too, until they put the flower on the stump. It was always so clumsy looking that I didn't think it'd stick around long (so it'd either die or the arm would change into something different; I was personally hoping for a thorn-whip-arm, but alas…). If they'd never done

It was kind of a reverse-version of the PB/Brocco climax scene, where PB dismisses a promise of a life-long relationship out of hand, because, like Finn, she feels nothing

Literally cringing at the close-up; that was the funniest thing since LSP threw a Molotov cocktail at PB.

I'm pretty sure the arm is basically a foil for character-development (the 'curse' of making a character on a TV show grow up —that's sinister), so it's gonna have to change as the show progresses. At least it was unexpected; the arm's loss was dangerously close to the point of ham, writing-wise

I took it as a mockery of fans still trying to figure out what the heck was going on with the episode ("just a little bit longer, and I'll know why they're doing it this way…"). Nope.

I think what he's saying is the BMO/NEPTR interplay leading into the episode, and (very) conventional storyline were at odds with whatever the heck it was the writers were trying to accomplish with the Bluenose character. If it was to impart as much emotion into a (mostly) inanimate character as possible, the story

"Food Chain" is likely gonna rival it. Check out "Cat Soup" for some more of his work, if you dare. Just buckle your mind, for it will be blown.

I'd imagine Ice King was killed when his room 10,000ft up in the Tower fell to Earth. Unless he was out, for some reason (partying with Prismo?)

Even "Box Prince" had a coherent plot end to end, in spite of the (intentional) lack of characters advancing a storyline. This one has a character devoid of expression (the puppet had more pathos) failing at silent-action drama theatre, then proceeding on to a typical "rescue the cute/weird thing" Adventure Time

I dunno; "Look at chu. Ya'half no ar-mer" was pretty dang hilarious. I found it very impressive how much a character that never moved (couldn't) was able to come off as a complete a-hole, lol

I done duped myself…