Amplified Heat

Point remains PB is his happy place, not any other character, even Jake. Don't get me wrong, I hate nonsensical shipping or whatever as much as anyone, because most of the time it's done in lieu of plot or character development, or just for the heck of it. That's why I thought it was interesting that the trajectory

I really hope they do something extra creepy with Sweet Pea's voice & the Lich's; very good possibilities there

My first thought as well

Maybe that's the idea; let it conclude appropriately without undue influence from Corporate, which always beats dead horses into powder. That requires a fairly low key treatment as far as marketing.

"Would rather live in the woods than under a boss's yoke" had me laughing

Right up there with the "28 Days Later" vibe of the episode where Finn's legs were broken & the deer kidnapped everyone (and kind of for the same reason, lol)

"Do you spurn my fluids?!" now ranks highly among my favorite Lemongrab quotes. So glad that guy still has time to spare for this show despite all his Rick & Mortying

I still remember laughing at how grossed out Finn & Jake were by how deep it was embedded in her head, lol

What's funny (to me) about PB's power-madness, was that for once —due to the over driven elemental effects— her motives were purely emotional rather than logical. All four elementals became the most "themselves" because of the plot device, which manifested as all four of them becoming an emotional extreme;

Part of me worries it will be too disturbing for even Adventure Time, but part of me really wants to see them somehow pull off a super creepy transformation from sweet little boy to Ron freakin' Perlman, and somehow have it be darkly humorous at the same time. I'd expect nothing less from these writers.

So that's a good thing; we may get the (awesome) Magic *Man* back. Betty was a pale imitation of his madness, and it's hard to top "EAT IT" in fireworks as an outro.

So, anyone else notice the "science chart" spiking & crashing to near-zero at "2000," then to a smaller degree a little over "3000," before booming again at the far edge of the chart? Frankie Foreshadowing at his most subtle (well, would be foreshadowing except for all the other foreshadowing in this show). PB

The twist was them 'giving' his family back without any trouble after crapping themselves over the initial phone call

Knocking on a door with a doorman's body, one-handed, was pretty over the top

Monarch HAS to take down the Guild himself, since his wife isn't gonna let him become a Level 10 & arch the guy with the Morpho killing off all the Level 10 baddies, and since he isn't gonna kill his wife (one hopes), and since he clearly isn't gonna abandon arching Venture at his wife's urging (a theme clearly

Though why would Lambert, unassuming B-list actor of yesteryear, be doing business with a 'Swiss bank' of hero/villain tailoring? More than meets the eye? …or not.

Not only trying to get in, but STILL trying to get in, long after the eclipse has come & gone —clearly nothing better to do that evening, and alone…

I dunno, having to straight-up thwart his wife incognito is something of a Pyrrhic victory…especially when she inevitably denies him Level 10 standing & go-ahead to arch Venture out of concern for his well being, with regards to the Morpho. BTW, what is it with Girlfriend* & keeping the Monarch from arching Venture?

"Oh, you got 'Runny Bottom' all over me" —get it?

Would fit within the season's plot a lot better, too; like how his death bounty was anonymously claimed on the authority of ANOTHER well-known shape-shifter, Mr 'Bowie,' who I'll suspect seized power over the Council as Sovereign in the first place in response to the previous Morpho crisis ('Bowie' even says he killed