Amos True

Sometimes when I get home from a long day at work and there is leftover oatmeal caked in the pot, I peel it out and eat it. I justify my grossness by pretending I am like Alan Breck in Kidnapped. You know, the famous weight-loss guru.

I suppose the question is whether you think there is anything significant about the way domestic abuse tends to skew more violent for women than men. If you think it is simply a matter of men being by and large more physically strong, then I suppose you could say it is just the arbitrary nature of evolution, and

Actually, at least in Canada, about 22% of all spousal violence is of a serious nature (sexual assault, beaten, choked, or threatened with a gun or knife). While you are right that the number of men and women who report being the victims of general spousal abuse is about even (with slightly more women in all

I agree. I think she looks like a comic book super hero who decided to dress couture. In other words, awesome.

You are being ridiculous. The devil is much to busy and important to concern himself with trivial matters like this.

I agree with you, but I think it's important not to assume this works for everyone. Unfortunately, some of the people who have the least money to spend on clothing also have no time to shop for second hand bargains. I live on the poverty line, and I am a big proponent of thrift shopping because it is so economical

Luckily, teenage girls do not base their actual relationships on shit they read. The attitudes of their family members, maybe, and their peers, but not so much the fictional stuff, in my experience. I mean, when I was 15 I loved the vampire Lestat and Mr. Rochester. Not to mention the movie characters - I lusted

I have never been assaulted, but, like most women I know, I have experienced serious, unambiguous harassment. Despite this, I never once lost my profound interest in and affection for other human beings, be they male or female. It practically never crosses my mind that a man might try to rape me. The notion is

You know? I agree with you. I know many awesome men who do not need anyone to sit down with them to explain why being bad is bad. And I have met any number of women who were small-minded and cruel. In this particular instance, it sounds as though the bullies were mostly male, but that doesn't really change much. I

On the other hand: if you are talking about, say, Atlantic bluefin tuna or Atlantic cod (endangered apex predators) vs. a regular old corgie, the latter may be cuter, but the former's death has a far larger negative impact on the natural ecosystem. And actually, the whole "fish are gross" mentality is probably why

I was once part of a class discussion on international whaling practices, and someone brought up the fact that some proponents of the Japanese whaling industry refer to whales as the "cattle of the sea". Instead of bringing up what were to me the more obvious problems with this comparison (cattle are bred and raised

I think the great dane might accidentally snort it.

I'm curious about that, too. Can an individual really sign a contract clearing a company of responsibility for colluding in/enabling an illegal act? Because then why is assisted suicide so thorny? Couldn't hospitals simply have patients sign some document saying terminally ill patients may be placed in proximity to

Who is Kellan Lutz? He is very entertaining. To paraphrase: "I'm going to win an Oscar, but until then I have my inventions."

I love your last statement.

Do you know any teenage girls? Because it is not that simple.

Oh, absolutely. But saying "Judaism isn't a race" kind of supports the notion that race is a concrete, defined concept. Which it never has been.

Judaism can be a race if "black" is a race, since it's a made-up, nonsense concept.

Nope, don't see it. I mean, I think she lost some baby fat in her face, as most women do in their twenties, but her underlying facial structure looks the same.

Sadly, that is so much better than the actual plot thus far.