
The correct response from the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority employee that Teslatino spoke to should have been “Tesla compatible charging stations, yeah sure. I’ll uh, just check with the boys down at the operations headquarters. They uh, got uh, dozens more linemen working on the case. They’ve got us worki

I dare to bet, after those troubles and problems, they still gonna end it with “still love the Cybertruck though”

You’d just assume they would have generators. Like I know rah rah electric truck, but if you drove gas trucks you’d bring more gas, right? Are they planning on laying cable once they leave power grids behind?

By extension, I assume most of the charging infrastructure up there is powered by hydro- or more likely, diesel generators...?

It’s easy to demonize the neighbors as petty or whiny, but maybe people are getting tired of the wealthy not following the rules that they were taught to follow?

Guy spent $100,000 on a vanity project for his kid and purposely avoided the government because he didn’t feel like he should pay the government a few hundred

Wow, that’s terrible placement. If there was a QOTD for “Which Car Has The Worst Placement of Controls?”, this might win.

Ask me how many times I’ve gone to change the radio volume and gotten the “you can’t shift into reverse right now” warning.

I like this idea but we can go further with it.

Listed for auction? Do people really pay actual money for something so completely and thoroughly trashed? If so, why?

Now playing

Holy crap - the title drug this memory out of the depths - Godzilla Ate Tukwila

I am guessing the laminated glass used on the door windows allows the “peeling.” If it were tempered glass like most cars, they would have just popped it with a spring punch.

How do you know the other car had adaptive cruise control on and it wasn’t just bad driving?

I absolutely HATE adaptive cruise control. If there was a way to shut it off and just use “regular” I’d do it, but as far as I can tell (2024 K5) it’s either that steaming pile or nothing. 

One of the few occasions where I think this should be a 1 strike you’re out rule. Get caught doing it, get your vehicle impounded. Then you have to pay impound to have it serviced to be put back to factory specs before you get it back.

My guy, my guy. Divorced dude to divorced dude. Seriously, actually, for real, don’t make any major money moves yet (the word yet is key here). Especially money moves that sound like $30,000 of retail therapy.

If you have an iphone and are ordered to hand it to a cop, just press and hold the power and one of the volume buttons. It opens the screen to shut off the phone ,but even if you don’t it disables FaceID/TouchID. 

*BANG BANG BANG* Space is safe! Send your billionaires! *BANG BANG BANG*

No shit.

Plus anyone left working there is looking to leave or looking over their shoulder for when dipshit is going to lay them off on a whim. Their quality is going to shit.