I’m sure it will be here before we know it, but we don’t need to make TSA even worse by suddenly having random people get arrested because the database says they look like someone else who may have committed a crime.
I’m sure it will be here before we know it, but we don’t need to make TSA even worse by suddenly having random people get arrested because the database says they look like someone else who may have committed a crime.
I love Adam Savage and watch his builds regularly. But he’s a multi-millionaire who lives very comfortably and can afford to rent and completely kit out a very expensive workspace in one of the most affluent/expensive areas of the country to build personal projects for his own, already expansive collection of cool…
Jack Black has been campaigning for Biden this year. He’s probably most concerned about this hurting Biden’s campaign, with Fox Newsmax morons trying to connect dots that don’t exist. It’ll go something like “Biden ally endorses Trump assassination”.
We need Enrico Pallazzo now more than ever!
I think the best approach is have an old-timey ballpark organ play the accompaniment, have some rando cue the crowd with “Oh, say...”, then let the crowd and organist do the rest. The quality will revert to the mean and all will be spared.
Make “My Country Tis of Thee” the national anthem, just to confuse everyone at the olympics.
Biden’s “bullseye” remark was clearly a metaphor, one tailor-made for a country that has more guns than people. Trump, meanwhile, has talked repeatedly about having his political rivals executed for treason. This includes, it’s important to note, sham military tribunals for Congresspeople/civilians, such as Liz…
If somebody killed Biden, Trump’s comments would be on the lines of “see, that’s what you get!”
I think both Seth Meyers and Colbert grappled with it pretty well.
He was going to be sentenced last Thursday. He could have been safety in prison this weekend.
I don’t think the point of the feature is to highlight the best bands of any country.
Soup’s on!
“Is the scene humiliating for Helen? For Jamie Lee Curtis?”
I saw True Lies late—whenever it originally came out on home video—and was pretty startled by how the movie treats Curtis’s character, compared to the fun reputation the movie had. The strip scene may scan as empowering and funny to some, but she’s manipulated into it by her own husband, and not just to “give her…
Over and over again, the GOP is allowed to continually lower the bar for what would be considered reasonable behavior for someone elected to higher office. That we as a nation are seemingly about to re-elect an adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, habitual liar and incompetent businessman whose violent rhetoric and…
I mean, she’s a high school dropout, teen mom, and frequent arrestee who has made her ignorance a point of personal pride because it’s brought her fame. There is no such thing as shame or responsibility with her or those like her.
Sorry to hear about this, she was fantastic in Heathers, and being a Kevin Smith fan, I enjoyed her in Mallrats too. I was stationed overseas in the early 90's, and Beverly Hills 90210 was one of the shows the Armed Forces Network showed, I got hooked and kept watching even when I was discharged
I miss people like Westheimer and Sagan being sensible on a show like Tonight. Very useful. in popularizing science. Fallon just doesn’t quite manage it somehow.