“Those that refuse to be bound by the law also refuse its protections.”
“Those that refuse to be bound by the law also refuse its protections.”
Well by their own definition, they’re technically illegal aliens. So it should be handled by customs and border protection... and we all know that they are very patient and you have so many rights under that. lol
Stunt people really need to be acknowledged by the awards shows. It’s ridiculous that they’re not. That red herring stunts segment during the Academy Awards this year proves it.
“I’m sorry officer, I was on my way to Assholeville in the republican of Dumbfuckistan and wasn’t aware that the concept of “laws” applied to me.”
I’d love to see them band together and attempt their own utopian paradise of libertarianism and anarchy. Let’s give ‘em Oklahoma, then put an enormous fence around it.
I’d go with “Nooooooooo!”, because 1) it meant they were almost over, and 2) it ended the prequels on such a god damn ridiculous, ham fisted, corny line that it validated that Lucas had just pissed all over what Star Wars fans held dear.
Seriously, this to me is the actual worst part. I already know that Elon has zero credibility when it comes to claims like this, but basically saying “our simulation showed it actually could do it in the 1/4 mile so we didn’t actually do it (but oh by the way we’ll still just state it it as fact)“ is such utter BS…
I’ve long thought that one obvious change Lucas could have made would’ve been to kill off Padme earlier and make the anguish and loneliness that Anakin feels be what pushes him over the edge. Having him be manipulated to slaughtering the Jedi—including children—because he fears she’ll die like his mommy--just makes…
Yeah, they could have done something like Chris Pratt Remembers Tony McFarr or something like that.
I mean, the end titles of the third one, when it was finally over, is the obvious answer.
just like the new trilogy after “Rise of”...my favorite part was when they were over.
You’re so right.
Any predictive model always comes down to the assumptions… when the assumption is: “if I tell Elon the Porsche wins, I will get fired.” then you end up with results like this.
I thought it was because she looks about ten years older than she did ten years ago.
you know you’re straining for that word count when you’re writing “Paul McCartney, the second-eldest living Beatle”
Based on the review, I can say for certain it’s a movie.
It definitely wasn’t societal tradition in 1789 to disallow loaded guns at the airport!
Who cares? Very clearly Tesla cared since they invented the story ...
Yeah that must be so brutal for you. You gonna be okay?
I mean, I am not really knocking or saying it is bad, but that is some underlying attention seeking. Having some weird, different or quirky is something I like too, and I know it will get some attention, that isn’t bad. Knowing what you want and getting it is fine, but once you make that decision it is silly to be…
But is she abused on every project, or is she someone with untreated trauma who keeps transferring that trauma onto every project she works on?
She often tries to leave projects that are underway. Not every set is a happy set, but not every set is a miserable hell-hole, either. She’s also typically working on projects…