
I’d like to nine million people too.

Oh God. Cue the conversation I had in 2001 when our first child was born: “Yes mom, my brother and I did survive our cribs in 1970. No mom I don’t want it for my son, because by today’s standards, it’s a death trap. No, you can’t set it up at your house and use it for sleepovers. I’ll just buy you a new one.

Back when I was a teen wolf, we rode on the roof!

yes rear-facing is probably safer.  Looks like with these though, they were not safely fastened to the vehicle.  Not to mention your kids are in the rear crumple zone, which is not good. 

I rode in the trunk of a 1st gen Ford Probe more than once, and in the bed of many, many pickups as a child.

Yeah, I don’t think he’ll win this lawsuit, for the reasons you state, but if you asked a 100 random people right now to name an abuser from Nickelodeon, his name would definitely be the only one that came up. And the documentary isn’t not responsible for that.

These people literally cannot stop themselves.


Oh. Well, then. If we can’t trust the word of a body whose pursestrings are dependent on the whims of a regressive Conservative government eager to distract voters from actual issues, then who can we trust? /s

He’s our preeminent farting corpse with hidden layers of depth!

I have no skin in this game, in terms of her work. I watched the first movie in a theatre, at a company event, and thought it was fine for kids. (I was out of the target demo by that point.) I never read the books.

Beyond the hatefulness of her views, it makes her look really, really bad to be so petty and vicious toward these grown-up kid actors who are by all accounts and appearances, really great people, in spite of all the show business weirdness they must have encountered

and he’s great in the Weird Al movie!

“OK, it’s sad about JK Rowling. Now does anyone want to talk about any of the other films I’ve been in? There’s, like, 16 of them. Also, I act in plays and television.”
“Yeah, that’s great. So about Harry Potter...”

Since it’s apparently good, I’ll avoid the urge to call it Shartlake

He fired them, too.

Well, sure. We identify with Broderick and then spend the arc of the film learning about what happens if we follow the dark path of temptation. And by watching Broderick’s character bottom out, we realize that Flick wasn’t the villain after all. His extremely petty revenge at the end of the film underscores this - his

Because the crew on the project then has to consistently work long days and skip lunch to accommodate him, which is not great for safety. 

I’m reminded of an old quote from Charlton Heston (and I’m paraphrasing a bit here): “I never had any illusions about my ability as an actor, but I showed up sober & on time, had my lines memorized, I hit my marks, and I filled out a toga”.

Have you tried boarding from it’s butt hole?