
I feel like that gives them an advantage. Like if I ever have kids that are the least bit of trouble makers, I’m screwed! I was the extra good kid! I don’t know any of the secret ways they could sneak out of the house, I don’t know the classic lies they tell their parents about their whereabouts (if I said I was at

With red hair. They have to have the red hair. 

Honestly, I had a shit day yesterday, I'm gearing up for a shit day today, and I really needed something happy like this to come along. Very exciting news!

Have you seen 21 Jump Street? The man is hilarious.

Pete Davidson gave me the second-hand skin crawlies the way he spoke about Ariana on SNL. That’s just what you want after you go through hell when your previous boyfriend dies and you get an avalanche of online hatred blaming you for his death, some clown making jokes about knocking you up on national television. 

Yeah, I can’t help but think of Harry’s wastrel youth, but I know lots of dudes that were utter terrors in their early 20s and are now responsible and devoted fathers.  And that’s without benefit of nannies trained in karate.

This baby is seventh in succession for the throne. Everyone else needs to abdicate immediately. England needs a biracial commoner on the throne. It’s time.

For me personally, a couple of dealbreakers would certainly have been how he repeatedly thanks her after they fuck and never shuts up about fucking her and also when he told an interviewer that he thinks about his father burning to death in the WTC when he is trying not to cum too fast. But maybe that’s just me!

Nah, the snarky comments would be about her age. 

Why the heck are menstrual products a privilege. 

I think her father has a number of grandchildren already as he had children with his first wife and they’re all much older than Meghan, whilst I think she’s her mother’s only child.

I saw that coat and I KNEW IT. I know they’re ridiculously rich celebrities and I have no real interaction with them and I don’t CARE, I’m very happy for them. I think Harry has wanted kids for a long time. (Whether that will translate into being a great father is, of course, up for discussion.)

Yay Baby!

I try to avoid speculation about the uterine affairs of others, but Meghan looked truly radiant in pictures taken inside the church, I thought even more so than at her own wedding. I guess some women really do have a pregnancy glow. I tended more toward gray/green into the second trimester.

Seriously, though, it’s really nice that they managed to stay under the radar juuust long enough to avoid upstaging Eugenie’s wedding, and that on the day itself, Meghan managed to conceal The Bump juuust enough that they could hold off a few more days before addressing it. I mean, I’m sure they wanted to keep it

I imagine she’ll come out with something like,Meghan said when she was a teen that she wanted me to be godmother to her children someday and now she’s going back on her word because she thinks she’s better than me and everyone else”.

Her half-sister is gonna be so pissed off about this.

I’m sure her toxic paternal branch will now back the fuck off during this time. Just kidding! I’m sure The Sun is already typesetting their shitty hot takes.

Thank you for being that person. We need that more often on the Kinja network. Editing is sloppy at the best of times. 

He helpfully illustrated her point for her.