If someone put these notes up in my office I wouldn’t feel targeted.
If someone put these notes up in my office I wouldn’t feel targeted.
I wrote off Penn State with the pedophile being granted free access to the facilities of the system and them doubling down on suppressing it. Since then I’ve more closely examined other sports I used to watch and can see the same kind of mechanisms for abuse there as well. Penn State should have been suspended from…
Are you paying attention, USA Gymnastics, USA Swimming, Taekwondo, USOC, etc etc etc? This is what you’re supposed to do when someone sexually assaults your athletes.
What the hell is wrong with you?
I’ve gone to a man’s room late at night and he managed not to ass rape me.
Who cares if she went into his room and he was naked. She still was too drunk to consent and said no many times.
You’ve been brainwashed by the patriarchy into disliking that word because it’s used to describe vaginas, which are moist, and panties, which go over moist vaginas.
Good for Baker. I sometimes get sick of him voicing seemingly everything (that Nolan North isn’t already doing), but if he’s standing up for his principles and supporting his union people, I’ve got more respect for him now.
Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy…
Anna, first on the topic.
Was scouring old playlists and remembered this Georgia Anne Muldrow number. It is grimy and wonderful.
1976-12-23 - NYC - CBGB’s
right? WTF is this horseshit? Oh, McGrath is a moderate Democrat? The horror! Since when is opposing the elimination of private insurance “kinda shitty”? A decade ago Medicare-for-all and no private insurance wasn’t even the median Democrat position, and now a moderate Dem with a military background running in fucking…
Bingo! And Sinema ran on health care. A vast amount of Kentuckians rely on Medicaid expansion. It worked. I think it has at least a chance of working in Kentucky.
Shes smart. Her team watched that race. And took notes.
She's offering the exact moderate Democratic political profile Kyrsten Sinema just ran on in crimson red Arizona. And won.
Seriously. I actually think the way she worded that statement is fairly crafty. She’s not saying “I love Trump”, she’s talking about what people (erroneously) thought they were voting for (lower drug prices, less corruption) which *is* what Turmp was promising. And McConnell *is* opposed to what Turmp promised. It’s a …
This is US Soccer we’re talking about, so...probably.
“Oh, and the gender discrimination lawsuit they filed against U.S. Soccer...”
Have you checked to see if they’re legally barred from discussing the issue while the lawsuit is ongoing? This isn’t a criticism, I’m legitimately curious.