
Excellent guide!

Take your damn star.

Food and soda in a gym. Do you want Morants? Because that's how you get Morants.

So, I’m not Dante3000, but I’ve worked almost exclusively for startup companies for my entire professional career, and I have Thoughts(tm) on Venture Capitalism.

Jezebel and Splinter are going to cause us to lose in 2020.

Yeah, that pie in the sky shit about providing healthcare and education like every other industrialized nation while also not destroying the planet. Real crazy shit.

Right? Why base your identity on something tangible when you could choose to base it on the greatest scam in human history?  Lucky for him, Christ has given him the ability to count to 8 in his head...

No one imports Excel data sheets like Gaston

If you believe in the multiverse theory of existence, Superbowls are starting all the time. In other words, no matter when you are reading this, there exists a parallel universe where the Superbowl is starting RIGHT NOW.

...Not that they should be embarrassed, because come on, the woman is a machine! What’s really embarrassing is if they actually thought their maleness was somehow greater than this level of badassery, tyvm.

 I love her so much. Thanks for providing that slow motion version, because I could not understand what I was seeing, lol. 

Anna Maria Tremonti and Carol Off are both total badasses who have been subject to The. Worst. Behaviour from men in particular. They really deserve more credit. 

EXACTLY! As horrible as the ex was for posting the images, most of my anger came from reading how the school system and the courts have treated her.

Robert Sofia. It’s an easy name to remember. What an asshole. The PTA president! Boy I want to punch this guy so bad.

Yeah, this asshole needs to be fired and have his fucking life ruined. 

It made me pretty angry too. How about doxxing the ex, in case I ever come across him and feel a little punchy.  He sounds like a real asshole.  I bet his boss would like to know.  

Your daily reminder that the United States does NOT have a justice system. We have a legal system. And it is callous as fuck. It continues to trample on the dignity of people everywhere. Especially women and minorities.

Your treatment has made me so angry. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve justice, and I know you’ll ace the bar.

If an abusive ex posted their partner’s banking info online instead of their body, there’s no question everyone would see it as a serious crime and the ex would be in jail forever. You would think all these libertarians who hold property rights sacrosanct understand that nothing is more your private property than your

I just love the silent treatment in the dugout on big homeruns!