
I’m an Aussie, so this is not my money, but I love it! I think the format is really interesting, and I like the colour.
We have had brightly coloured notes with holgrams for some time, but are gradually going through a process where our notes are having braille and clear sections added as an additional security

How the FUCK do you talk about the plethora of great character actors in The Rocketeer without mentioning Ed Lauter, that most character-actoriest of character actors?

I don’t trust any straight man who watches this movie and doesn’t come out of it madly in love with her.

Only 62% Fresh at Rotten Tomatoes! How’s that possible? I don’t know of anyone who dislikes this film. Even Kevin Smith, who tends to be quite critical of comic-book movies, considers it to be one of the all-time best.

Everything you said is true and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

If anything, “ridiculously beautiful” somehow sells Connelly short in The Rocketeer.

Jennifer Connelly.

I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to help you fight people. In fact, I’ll raise you. The Rocketeer is one of the best MOVIES ever. Every single action in film informs character decisions and drives the plot forward. It’s beautiful aesthetically, and it’s god damned gorgeous narrative wise.

One of the reasons why I love Captain America The First Avenger is due to The Rocketeer.

The Rocketeer was one of the best superhero movies ever. Fight me.

Seriously though, it seems even more telling that Dunham characterized his lines as a “massive insult of white women” rather than a fairly tame insult towards her character/show (and clueless hipsters like her) specifically.


Can’t he do both?

the network’s compromise position was that only a white character who says “Really, nigga?” and “You know how niggas out here are” could use it

... are you confusing the Mexican director Guillermo del Toro with the very white director Quentin Tarantino? Because the former directed Shape of Water.

If whether or not you like an artist’s work has anything at all to wanting to see him brough down for sexual harassment or abuse of power, you are MISSING THE POINT.

I’m looking forward to this bringing down Tarantino. Overrated hack

This article was really helpful for me, since I’m sitting on a last gen phone and wanted to know what I’m missing by not swapping up to a Pixel.

If you ever got to see his concerts that’s all you can think about sometimes. “1999" “Lovesexy” all the tours were just incredible performances under the wildest circumstances and conditions.