Bastian is on army supply duty? Did he piss off the coach?
Bastian is on army supply duty? Did he piss off the coach?
The ump flailing his arms and calling the ball dead when it was live was a bad call. He stopped the Jays fielders from trying to make a play.
Maybe Gawker could offer a few bucks for a shot of the guy lying on the floor, concussed, with urinal pieces and toilet juice spraying all over his drunken body.
Sigh. Just the thought makes me happy.
Discriminatory towards Canadians?!?
What’s the matter, no black people in Minnesota?
A statistically insignificant number (under 1%) compared to the actual number of actual assaults. Kind of like the number of Republicans who aren’t racist, sexist, homophobic, or self-serving hypocrites.
What if they’re a ten-year-old playing a game for fun, totally digging the
Crucible, and then Bungie randomly removes their favourite PVP options from the game? I’m kinda pissed at them for doing this, the kid (or me, the dad) doesn’t want to shell out $80 for the Legendary when he can buy Saints Row 4, Fallout 3, or…
Is it just me, or do Patriots fans suddenly sound like Kim Davis supporters?
It also stops fans from throwing stuff at the opposing team if it means they might hit some hometown kids.
And yet he manages to sneak past the red card and earn only the yellow. For a head butt and a one-handed throat grab.
It’s Shaun. No wonder you were fooled.
You haven’t addressed the real issue, which is what kind of breast support she’s using. Whoever fitted her for a sport bra needs retraining.
So Captain Picard’s replicator was programmed in Texas?
We used to use roman candles (sometimes with ski goggles as “eye protection” but usually not) and we all believed the urban legend about someone’s cousin who came to visit and accidentally shot one up a tailpipe and exploded a car.
So he’s resigning so he doesn’t have to come to the Women’s World Cup final and get arrested?
“The larger point though is Dan Bejar in particular is very very good at writing simple, catchy, mindless pop songs, but seems to hate that part of himself and sabotage that impulse at every opportunity, which is a huge part of his charm but also hugely frustrating, in that just once it’d be great to hear what’d…
THAT’S what Johnny Storm is about. Hot, athletic, charming, conceited... character is more important than colour. Mr. Jordan looks like the best thing about this movie.
Jackie Robinson played in Canada before he tried Brooklyn.
Franklin County Prosecutor’s office emailed this to me today. Apparently no complaint/report has been filed and they’re not looking into it at all.
“I received an email from you re Brianna Wu. A police report or investigation as to Brianna Wu has not been filed or referred to this office. That is the normal method to…
I got to the sentence, “Obviously Khoza didn’t deserve to have acid thrown on his penis,” and just thought, “Yeah, he kinda did.”
I seem to recall a comment thread in which a rape apologist took exception to the reporting that there were “scores” of Cosby rape victims when, at the time, there were merely dozens.