
This is good. This is reasonable and lively debate- may be the only way to ever reach people like her. Yelling at her and screaming “YOU BITCH YOU BITCH YOURE A RACIST FUCKWAD” will never make someone like Tami Tahren question how she views the world or change her opinions.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

I suppose killing our national education system is one way they’ve figured out how to ensure a healthy supply of future Republican voters...

Thank you! I am a teacher in Texas, so this directly affects me, my students, and my relationships with them. I wrote a letter to the senator identifying myself, my school district, and my concerns; I’m not sure if anyone will read it but as a teacher who has dealt firsthand with students struggling to come to terms

I couldn’t imagine why Washington would be so miserable.

He got booted from his gravy train and he’s desperate to get back on.

He chooses wives with the same hair. Weird.

I do not blame those that voted third party as they got up and stated their view. I do blame the 45% of Americans that couldnt be bothered to get off their ass and vote. Just pisses me off that we end up with this dangerous clown because of it.

I am so so sorry. This must be so triggering for him - please know he is getting internet hugs. As are you, and anyone else who needs them right now.

By god, you’re so right, a handful of Klan members celebrating in the south totally proves 60 million people across the whole country didn’t really care about economics at all.

“This was how it started”

“....unless the check bounces.”

Wait I thought he was a magically sentient mannequin.

1. Wow, those are some big boobs he made.

Not with those hips.

Ok you know what, I can count the number of people on one hand that I’ve ever called a cunt in my entire life, it’s not a word I use lightly.

Guys. Guys! Guyssssss. It’s not like she was (whispers) a caramel latte if you know what I mean....she um.....I mean everyone should follow the law, but it’s not like she (whispers) was a chocolate chip brownie if you know what I mean. People make mistakes! All that paperwork! But it not like she was (in a loud

future babysitters!