I am 38 and born and raised in CA, and I’ve always used the term that way. It’s faster and easier to say than “in the wedding party at..” and also ‘wedding party’ sounds stupid.
I am 38 and born and raised in CA, and I’ve always used the term that way. It’s faster and easier to say than “in the wedding party at..” and also ‘wedding party’ sounds stupid.
I am a guy, and I wanted a big wedding, or at least bigger than my wife did. She wanted to rent a van and drive to Vegas with 5 or 6 of our closest friends, so it was a low bar, but still. We spent about$9k of a $12k budget, if I recall correctly, and it was glorious. Under 50 people, best meal any of them had that…
You don’t hate wedding receptions, your problem is just that your family/friends are all pieces of shit
and i didn’t see or experience anything that i would now categorize as illegal or immoral.
I did not get this until someone else made a much dumber version of this same joke, several hours later.
Having seen that chart, now I am ALSO sorry you’re not a graphic designer.
Moms have it too easy
Well, there’s one good way to put rumors of an ornery disposition and having a thin skin, and that’s to hold a grudge for four years and take it out on a team that has virtually nothing in common with the entity that slighted you, in a situation and context that’s utterly meaningless, just to prove the point that you…
Yeah, and look at Eric Reid: Oh, wait
As usual in 2018, I can’t tell if this comment is genuine or not...
I mean, if you read one single thing about it, you’d know that that was precisely false, but why let that stop you?
My wife and I are about to have our second kid - her due date is 10/28. She’s certain the baby’s coming early.
1. Tell me all about your diarrhea!
I would guess you had a Bacillus cereus infection. Our “clue” on the board exam that the answer was B. cereus was always mention of Chinese food, particularly fried rice.
No way. Noro you’d know. Plus it lasts for days. And the comment would have included a LOT more descriptions of apocalyptic diarrhea.
Yeah but he sounded radical to the max
Best comment in the thread, by far. Right down to the standing in the rain for an extra 10 seconds! I thought I was the only one that did that. Bro, I had a fucked-up umbrella (one of those super cheapy ones that turns inside out if you look at it crosswise) that I kept in the car during the rainy season for just that…
In the street name? I lived at a 712 1/2 house number for years, and just that was a nightmare. I can’t imagine having the 1/2 in the name of the street. God. Run for city council.
It would probably be bad if the heroes diffused a bomb whose payload was some kind of gene attacking drug or whatever. I think that’s actually the Scarecrow’s entire plot in one of the Nolan Batman flicks.