
I went out of my survivor pool last year on the Pats in that ridiculous game they lost to Jay Fucking Cutler.

Neil Walker? What? Are you under the mistaken impression that Neil Walker has played a single professional inning at shortstop, or are you just doing ‘name some Yankees’?

Yeah, this is a pretty stupid blog even by ‘Deadspin weekend backups’ standards. NFL teams have been putting big-armed backups in for Hail Mary plays since I can remember.

When the Bills put up their third score I literally walked outside to remark to my wife that every survivor pool in the country could shut itself down at this point... Pretty sure half the world got eliminated by the Bucs in the first two weeks, and most of the rest are in your shoes. Weird year.

1. Who would ever think they could eat 50 eggs?

I could respond to you between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. How does that sound?

I see that you’ve been educated on ‘sushi’ already, so I’ll constrict my comments to the second bit - don’t worry about it. Harry Potter movies and books are wholly ignorable, and the Lord of the Rings movies are also easy to live without.

Lobster is FAR from the best shellfish. Lobster is certainly inferior to mussels and crab. Lobster is about on the same level with shrimp and clams. I’m not sure if scallops are shellfish; if so, they’re also better than lobster.

“So, carry on believing this program, which serves an astronomical number of Americans, somehow is immune to abuse and stands as a shining example of the humility and personal accountability that Americans display on a daily basis.” - Me


Perhaps you should find a clue in the universe before ever commenting again.

Yeah, I read this comment on this post and was like “ha, what a loser, his browser sucks!” then clicked onto my next tab and wondered wtf was playing...

nobody cares about your fantasy team

No, you’re wrong. You’re right about the drunk son-of-a-welder. What you’re missing is, yes, he’d get into fights and get thrown out constantly - but he’d still always seem to manage to wheedle his way back in and get drinks for free, somehow or another. He’d never quite seem to face the consequences for his actions

Now playing

Well, everybody in the comments pretty much has this one nailed.

The problem here is there is no stamp. They’re just playing other peoples’ songs, just like those other people used to play them.

Alan Moore got it right on the first try: nobody should ever know his real origin, because this adds to his mystique as an incidental chaos agent

I can’t tell exactly what you’re trying to say (pretty fitting that your comment is written in broken English), but I don’t know what Adelphi is and I also got an 800 on the reading/writing half of the SAT. So, yes, it’s possible.

...for yourself, though?
