
@neMouse: The sour cream gun was my favorite... I mean the only thing I liked about working at a Taco Bell. I would line all of the tacos up and go down the line blasting them with sour cream... ahem... sour-cream-like death.

@tusing: You forgot the part where they highlight the truck just in case we missed it.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: The headfirst into a wall-coma one wasn't that bad in my opinion. Sure it was unfortunate, but the guy WAS running and the officer was chasing him. It's not like the cop was like "Ima gonna hit his head into that wall and put him into a coma." He kinda stopped while the officer was still

@i_like_turtles: I'm right with you. The police in my town are almost all very nice, and all are respectful. It's a shame that only the 20 or so really bad police brutality videos are the ones that hit the internet, though. It makes you hate them all for the actions of a few.

@SinDonor2: It happens. Just stay away from Jersey Shore. You will end up dying your skin orange and gelling your hair twenty-three times a day.

@Netscott: Sometimes people's workplace blocks youtube, so this just helps those people not work.

@TaxiHappy: It goes to the far left and bounces, then it rolls into the hole. The camera shakes before it goes in, so it looks like it disappears, but there is a little bit of pink in the blur.

@Matt0505: If you watch it frame by frame, the camera moves and becomes a green blur, but you can see a little bit of pink blur in the two frames until it falls into the cup.

@AlphaJarmel: It only would have toughened the little kid up.

@HerrStoy: Kids these days are soft. My dad put the fear of God into me and look at me now. In college and not drinking the alcohols and smoking the drugs!

@nmalinoski: It's just one of those 'knock down the castle with a catapult' games. The best part is them throwing the birds at the kid.

@eclipsegryph: I used to think the same way... but some of his stuff is really funny.

@Chromie192: That's awesome. What movie is it from?

@R3D-F0X: I stole the red option from another commenter, but the Yellow was in the video, and the Blue was mine.

@digisplicer: Every country, state, ethnic group, and gender is terrible at driving... except your own.