
@Vondruke: He didn't even turn his turn signal on before switching lanes!

@Piemonkey: Because all of the Elementary School Kiddos got home from school and voted in the late afternoon.

@floppy mcwiggle: Agreed. It's odd that almost every comment thread almost unanimously decided that Blops didn't deserve to win, and from what I saw, Everyone was saying Read Dead with ME2 thrown in there too.

@Frankazoid: That's insanely low! I guess I need to read Engadget more often.

@LoganR: Don't forget the After Effects torrent.

@Blind Prophet: Microsoft sells the hardware at a loss and makes money back through licensing and their own games.

@Organized Chaos: It's marketing, they sell the razors at a loss and profit on the blades.

@eebrenner: Sorry, I was heading out the door when I hit "Share," and must have put my laptop to sleep before it actually sent. I get home turn on my laptop and it posts.

@eebrenner: This is a different thingy. The H&H one let him strap his chair into the frame.

@Stormgazer: The irony of buying a pirate's kit...

@daitenshi: I think everyone agrees with you.

@NaokiB4U: I think the problem is that I have never seen someone who is NOT a douche wearing a hat like that.

@Badrats-Studio: It also helps to get you to keep the DS with you all the time.

@Krakn3Dfx: But M$ isn't suing the people who are figuring out how to add the new hard drives, and they aren't suing the people that are figuring out how to flash the drives.

@Dankage: To be fair, they aren't exactly suing xbox hackers. In fact ONLY disabling Live is pretty generous, IMO.

@anabbeynormality: You can't pick this game up in the middle, not experience ANY of the story and then come here and talk about how boring it was.

This VS. Black Ops.

@wjbean: Nah, it's short for "Read the Freaking Article."