
These debuted at MWC in February and on sale in June. AirPods had nothing to do with these.

These debuted at MWC in February and on sale in June. AirPods had nothing to do with these.

I’m assuming that the Google Drive desktop app is safe, correct?

FYI, you’ve spelled Tony’s last name wrong.

Speed limit is 35 on that road.

They are now...

They are now...

That wasn’t a woman. It was my father.

I see you’re watching your first Olympics.

2016's most important invention.

As is Mr. Number doesn’t seem to reject calls when it doesn’t have wifi access, which is a little frustrating

Your initial post was a little confusing... your second sentence made it seem like Google got rid of the call rejection feature in stock or third-party dialers, which isn’t the case. I assume then that you’re referring to the “hang up” feature, which is a little different than call rejection. In this case, it seems

Google dropped the call rejection feature a lot of spam blocking third party apps used when they released lollipop.

Stay far, far away from the Harmony Touch.

Stay far, far away from the Harmony Touch.

I enjoy driving, so no.

Thank you. This is the kind of information the public needs.

But how does an emergency fund help me with Pokemon Go?