
You’re a UX designer with two phones and can’t figure out how to TXT or delete apps from Android?

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So apparently no-one, Alyse Stanley included, actually bothered watching the video linked?

So, who ever is currently in charge of Chevrolet’s design team (I suspect Michael bay) needs to be fired and has no business doing this.

It’s time to trash this article now.

Counter to the counterpoint...

I looked at the energy guide for the Q90R. It’s 220 kWh per year vs 509 kWh per year for the Vizio. I’m not sure where the huge discrepancy comes from. I’m also not sure how they came up with the kWh / year number. I’m too lazy to hunt down the actual active and standby power draw of the two models, but if I’m

One, it only records audio after the trigger word. It’s not recording audio 24/7. Two, of course people are manully transcribing things you say. AI doesn’t magically learn how understand human languages, it needs to be trained on real world training data.

In their defense, it did have a girl in it!

Android Auto needs to allow users to choose what alerts to get. I don’t need to see a ‘recent calls’ card for that Spam call I reported using Google’s screening service, or a card offering directions home 3 minutes after I have left for work in the morning.

Every single one of these teens is probably a shithead but Phillips is the dude in Times Square yelling that you owe him for the hiphop CD he shoved at you and then fell to the ground.

Such judgement from the almighty “Delete”...

More fucking horseshit.

Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,

Motherfucker, any kid who volunterily protests abortion or the like is in the adult world, and they better be ready for the full repercussions of being an adult.”

Fix “diffuse the situation” while you’re at it. 

Who do you expect to help him navigate the absolute media shitstorm surrounding this video, the mailman?

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

That wasn’t the point of the article at all. It was about the ability to take a blood pressure reading. 

No, that QB was Mark Sanchez.

Wow. Think of what Clevinger would do if Flores did something serious, like insult Morris Day and the Time.