
Actually, minority cops are even "worse", according to research done on this topic.

Oh for fucks sake, if you don't think that these tragedies aren't born out of a fundamental misunderstanding of the intentions of either side then I don't know what to tell you.

Of course straight men are going to be put off by such attention since it is contrary to their sexual orientation. And straight men will never see it as the same because they're persuing women whom they believe are straight.

That's a fair answer. But many gay men have already experienced literal gay bashing from straight men. Putting gay guys onto straight guys to teach em a lesson would get violent fast

Nah I've been around pushy gay guys. It has the potential to get violent far faster, coz a straight guy wouldn't be afraid to swing at a gay guy in public

I hesitated to click on the link to give the author a page view, there by supporting her, but ultimately decided to. Anyway...the title is inflammatory and while the author eventually does talk about how they allegedly raped her (not convicted yet), I can see by some of the comments here there is such joy to see white

You're just angry that you're not as pretty as he is.

"Actually I see black people claiming Asians are trying to look white more often. And then they get angry when white people respond like you just did."

Kim Kardashian looks middle eastern and would never pass for white where I live. I'm of Western European stock, and I'm mistaken for Mexican often, and Kim is even darker than I am.

That doesn't look like a hooked nose (if that's what you are calling it), and that type of nose is very common among Europeans (North and South). The straight nose is just the ideal — not a defining characteristic of any race.

You can't have it both ways. If race is a social construct, as the current dogma goes, all one needs to do is alter the signs and symbols associated with that race, and thus change it. To say one cannot change their race is to attribute it to blood, genetics, ethnicity, or phenotypical characteristics - which

Actually I see black people claiming Asians are trying to look white more often. And then they get angry when white people respond like you just did.

Women make up over 60% of those who molest girls.

Photo of suspect.

The fact that you believe it's possible for a dairy product to be racist gives me no reason to continue this conversation.

You know who has it worse than the real man involved in this story? The hypothetical woman who isn't!

The middle eastern farmers who colonized Europe during the neolithic were a light-skinned population. These people greatly contributed to the genetic makeup of Southern Europeans, especially the Sardinians (who are probably what the farmers would have looked like).

What? Your boyfriend's an idiot. "Men have such little input in society", yeah, except we fucking call all the shots and make all the rules, except for that.

My understanding is that the main correlates - which explain most of the race-gaps in crime - are neighborhood characteristics and own-family status (especially married with two parents vs. any other arrangement). I don't even think household income is that important controlling for those other things (though

It's hard to get data on this.