
That's why people don't take female violence nearly as seriously as they should. Because the victims tend to (statistically speaking) not go to the hospital as long or require as much care (this report compared the hospital bills).

men are an inferior species. they are nothing more than animals

That might be sufficient for a failure to convict on lack of evidence, but recollections are notoriously unreliable, and plenty of actual rapists have gotten off on minor mistakes of details in victim testimony. As I said, we can't discount the possibility that the rape happened.

Uh, how do we know she wasn't coerced into recanting?

You're a fucking idiot.

Most of those "Native Americans" died of disease. It was largely a force of nature. In contrast, the Germans deliberately exterminated millions.

Why are you peddling this sciency-sounding nonsense as if it's legit?

Last time I checked, Hitler did.

This is Jezebel after all. I'm just trying to fit in.

You are disturbingly obsessed with skin color and ethnicity.

By your stupid logic, Asians must be "white" too because they don't get pulled over for "driving while Asian".

You're mistaking the Jezebel definition of white with the definition of white. Only on Jez is Kim Kardashian considered white.

"And by "most are white," they mean 24/26 or 92.31% are white."


That's bullshit, and you know it. So-called "white" people are not looked on as "individuals" by the left. Every time there is a "white" male mass shooter, "white" people as a whole are criticized, even when the shooter is not white (like Elliot Rodger or Adam Lanza). There are numerous such articles on this topic,

Yawn. Another fucking moron who has no fucking clue how to argue or how to construct a logical sentence.

You said that there is an "incredibly large percentage" of women who are serving life for murdering abusers. That's what I'm disputing *now*.

I could point out dozens if I wanted to. I have extensive knowledge on this topic. I have seen no convincing evidence from any source that there is a large percentage of women serving life sentences for defending themselves against abusers. Most such claims are from biased sources with little credibility, like for

And here's a case of a woman who was acquitted of murdering her husband back in the early 90s on a self-defense claim that hinged on the inconsistent testimony of her son (who initially disputed his mother's lies but later changed his story because he wanted to protect her), only to be sentenced this year to 22 years

I know it's fucked up to hold people to different standards, but looking at her tweets the fact that she is a woman and dates women somehow makes that even more depressing.