You can certainly capture non-verbal forms of harassment on video, and the vast majority of such videos circulating the internet (that I have seen) show black and Arab men as the perps. It's much more overt than hair petting.
You can certainly capture non-verbal forms of harassment on video, and the vast majority of such videos circulating the internet (that I have seen) show black and Arab men as the perps. It's much more overt than hair petting.
White women rarely get harassed by white men on the street.
They didn't edit out all the white guys, that was just an excuse they give to repell the people saying the original video was racist.
Also specific cities - I think NYC (and even specific areas of NYC) may not be representative of the entire USA.
I often seen women on the feminist blogosphere claim that men never get catcalled or greeted at all on the streets. For catcalling, the video showed both men and women not respecting his space.
Men do greet men. And men catcall men, as this recent video shows
There are two studies on this issue. One by researcher David Lisak which found that 6.7% of US college men admit to committing rape at least one, and the other....I can not recall the name of the study or the researcher who conducted it ATM, but her methodology was similar to Lisak's, and she found that in her sample…
When people are ignorant of what is really important in the world, or too lazy or unskilled to pursue solutions to those important things, they instead sit around and think of stupid shit to complain about. It usually comes back around to an excuse for their situation.
Because people bitched about it being racist so they say "oh no white people did it too, but there were audio problems." What can you say to that? If they say "white people didn't catcall her" then everyone says "sure they didn't you racist scumbag."
That sounds really truthful and not just like some bullshit racist agenda.
It is very important, but it doesn't match Jezebel's mission statement which is to attempt to tear down and embarrass white men at all costs. If you are white and you have an opinion about something, Jezebel does not care.
Is it possible, just merely possible, they said that as a form of appeasement? Just possible?
Look, because one blogger was angry that Bliss, while shooting a promotional video for Grand Rapids, didn't show the economically struggling portion of the city (which includes plenty of whites who are impoverished) all of a sudden he is racist. It was a PROMOTIONAL VIDEO shot downtown, that included people of all…
"we got a fair amount of white guys..."
Because it's totally irrelevant. A harasser is a harasser, no matta what color.
"Because of this, "All American" people are inherently racist and prejudice towards any type of minority person who isn't desperately trying to be white......But all the drunken frat white boys in this country always get away with murder, because afterall, they are America's sons."
And she's currently serving a 15-year prison sentence for murdering her boyfriend.
It's impossible to be "exotic" in the US when you look as white as Juan Pablo.
Using the duke rape case as an example? This post is a joke right? You must be part of this new wave of truthfinders, who decide who is guilty and who isn't, regardless of evidence. Let me guess, you also think the CIA invented crack to keep minorities down. Oh and the government tries to mind control us with…
You need to clean the shit from your eyes. He's of Asian ancestry as stated in several articles (http://okgazette.com/2014/08/21/okc…) and as evidenced by his Asian facial features. Now that you know that he's not white, you can stop being upset.