
Nope. They're serving life for murdering their spouses because they either killed out of jealousy, greed or just evil, not because they were defending themselves against abusers. Some, however, falsely claimed that they were abused in hopes of escaping justice, like the infamous Betty Broderick. The battered woman

Of course he's not a lawyer. He's a loud-mouthed "community leader" who knows nothing. He's nothing but a dummy, and if he's involved in defending this girl, there is something wrong here.

Absolutely not! Only the darkest, sickest, most depraved pervert would look at her and think that she is hot. Normal, decent people look at her and see a small child, no different than a newborn baby, really.

That leopard dies because some lard ass American piece of shit pays a bunch of money for the "fun" of shooting it – but it's OK because the park can put the money to good use? That is some kind of perverted world right there.

I'll just refer you to one of my previous posts on the topic.

The difference between this girl and a poacher comes down to race and money.

Sigh because Belle Knox is a PORN worker so a PORN patron sits at a computer. Porn with a reputable company is 100% more safe than street-walking.

Where the fuck are Gawker Media's diversity reports? Too busy hiring white people to write about black people's issues to give a fuck?

The data being presented that way does not excuse Jezebel continuing that presentation. It's racist and ethnocentric to continue the narrative that the cultures termed under Asian are the same as the cultures under Caucasian. If anything, it is a sign of Jezebel's white privilege that they believe they have the right

"I felt plenty of sympathy for those two girls that committed suicide here in California because they were raped (they were both White)."

Young conservatives literally want to LYNCH black people. LoL. Ok, grow up. Seriously.

No, you give me a break. You have zero evidence to support your negative generalizations about porn stars. In fact, some evidence suggests that porn stars have higher self-esteem and better sex lives than women who scoff at porn,…

Police: Can you describe the robber?

Now playing

You're anti-porn. You don't watch porn. You're therefore ignorant of porn. It is most certainly a fetish for a very, VERY small minority. It will never become mainstream because it is simply too gross. You only think it's becoming mainstream because you hate men and think the worst of them.

I think porn - like sex work in general - can be bad for women but it's for more subtle reasons than are normally portrayed, reasons that get to the heart of the feminist sex wars.

Obvious only to Lezebel boy-haters!!!!!

LOL, of course the boy must be lying since he's a boy, but if a girl claims that a boy sent her a naked pic unsolicited or that she was "pressured" by a boy to send a naked pic of herself, that must be the truth because girls don't lie, even to save their reputations. I believe the victim — the boy.

Sounds like these boys are not soliciting these pictures so I kinda miss the outrage.

1. Elliot Rodger was not a white male. He self-identified as Eurasian, being born to a Chinese mother and a British father (and looking more Asian than anything else).