
What? Now you decide cast aside facts, and claim he was "white-passing"? According to whom? You? He looks Asian. And you acknowledge he's half Asian. The guy who shot up VA tech (the worst school shooting ever) was full Asian. The guy who shot up the Navy Yard was black, like the DC highway shooters were. Can you

Ideologies like feminism and socialism are based on having a boogeyman who oppresses the proletariat/women. Since nobody can give a coherent answer as to what The Patriarchy is, it kind of makes sense to blame MRA's for all of the world's ills instead. It doesn't seem to matter that none of their shooters were

If that's what you think Men's Rights Advocates think... Well, I'll just leave this here:

You just aren't very smart.

I believe the point is, the situation is far more complex than how this site is portraying him, as 'just another misogynist who hates women'. Yes, those guys do exist, but this guy isn't one of those.

I read his manifesto. The thing that struck me was how he saw all humans around him as tools for acquiring status or advantages and not other humans with feelings or minds of their own; I'm no psychiatrist but this is text book psychopath behaviour. He despised and resented other men, especially white men for

What is "white people make up the majority of the population" Alex. You should really be looking at per capita statistics instead of overall numbers.

1. Elliot Rodger was not a white male. He self-identified as Eurasian, being born to a Chinese mother and a British father (and looking more Asian than anything else).