
Were you there? You do realize that her self-defense claim was rejected at her trial, in which the judges cited other evidence that pointed to murder. It wouldn't be the first time a woman tried to get away with murder by falsely accusing her victim of rape or attempted rape. Look up the case of Marissa Devault, or

Like you know the truth. Nobody on Jezebel does. The Iranian courts rejected her claim of self-defense, saying that the evidence supported a 1st degree murder conviction.

The courts rejected her claims of self-defense based on the evidence that was presented at her trial. That means she was executed for MURDER.

Two sides to a court case that involves a rape allegation? Not on Jezebel there is.

Two people involved? Doesn't sound like a case of self-defense, but more like a cold-blooded murder, as the courts ruled.

That's her claim. The courts rejected that claim, saying it was premeditated based on a review of the evidence.

And how many women who claim "self-defense" are actually cold-blooded murderers pretending to be battered women?

That stat is misleading. Dvortia has already explained why.

A large percentage of those abused children are victimized by women.

Around a quarter of spousal homicide victims are men. I wouldn't call that "rare".

A lot of feminists can't accept that (men being abused by women). Indeed, many prominent feminists actually supported female spousal abusers. Google Justice for Women and Jane Andrews for a starter.

The words don't match his lips.

"means that a person under the influence of alcohol, a narcotic, anesthetic, or any other substance, administered to that person without the person's agreement,"

Cite the statute that defines "mental incapacitation" for Minnesota. I doubt it merely means "being under the influence", as you suggest. And if it does, cite a single case study where anyone was convicted of rape for merely having sex with a drunk woman who expressed desire for sex. I doubt such a case exists

albatross is a coward who dismisses posts that expose her ignorance. Don't bother with her.

LOL, that person dismissed my post. I'll repost my counter to her ignorance on this subject,

That's false. You can give consent while intoxicated. Stop spreading that ignorant myth. Legal contracts (civil law) are not relevant to criminal law.

"If the situation were reversed, and a someone had sex with him while he was drunk, he'd have been unable to consent, and would be within his rights to report it as rape."

"Women that have sex with men while drunk, and later claim they were raped, put the accused on the defensive."

"The intoxicated woman can't give consent."