
It doesn't matter. Her lawyer is Mark Geragos. That means she's practically guaranteed to lose.

You mean made-for-SYFY movies? Yeah, those are generally awful, but the guy I linked to is pretty good. Signal was awesome.

Yawn@ the movie. Here's the kind of independent films that white men are making;

Isn't Detroit the city with a huge backlog of rape kits?

There was a recent female serial killer who went on a killing spree targeting men only. She killed three men and tried to kill two others (these were her only random victims). She claimed that her "nature" prevents her from harming "females", but men she had no problem with killing.

There was a recent female serial killer who went on a killing spree targeting men only. She killed three men and tried to kill two others (these were her only random victims). She claimed that her "nature" prevents her from harming "females", but men she had no problem with killing.

Considering that in the US one in ten men admit to committing rape at least once, it's not even possible to lock up all rapists. There's not enough prisons in the world to do that.

None of the women wanted to go through with a prosecution. It's not the system's fault that he was never tried for the alleged college rapes.

7% of that is gang related.

And btw, in comparison to black women, WHITE women are overrepresented as serial killers. Black female serial killers are almost non-existent, while white female serial killers make up around 15% of all serial killers, no matter the race.

Nope. You're ignorant on the subject, as typical with left-wing "anti-racists".

He wants the woman to be slim because he'll be sharing a bed. There's needs to be some room left for him.

A group of PUAs on youtube did an experiment with this, and found that all of the numbers they were given were the women's real phone numbers.

He threw a drink at a couple once (male and female), because he was angry and jealous that that they were a couple. He also filled a super soaker with orange juice and sprayed it at a bunch of college kids (also male and female).

Actually, he was in the original, and his character had the famous line, "If there is a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say".

They have to be hot too.

Dumas was extremely ambiguous looking, leaning toward his "white" family side in appearance (lips and nose in between the two extremes, light brown, kinky hair, blue eyes, and light olive skin). That's why a white guy played him in a film about his life.

Dumas was extremely ambiguous looking, leaning toward his "white" family side in appearance (lips and nose in between the two extremes, light brown, kinky hair, blue eyes, and light olive skin). That's why a white guy to played him in a film about his life.

In jail. Falsely accusing her father of something like that is despicable. Men need to stay FAR away from her.

The notion that it happens "quite often" is pure Jezebel fantasy. You could probably count such cases on one hand in the past ten years. Hardly "quite often". Black men killing white women, OTOH, is significantly more common. Two *high profile* cases this year.