
Don't they wish.....

"racist entitled white guy shoots black woman for sport."

I am.

A "Klickstein" who is not Jewish? Nah.

Typical. Assume the worst of boys. I recall that study on teen sexting that Jezebel posted a while back which detailed a case where a boy was sent an unsolicited naked pic from a girl in his class. Because he made fun of her, many Jezebels condemned him as a "misogynist". None condemned the girl for sexual harassment.

"85% of domestic violence victims are female"

Only if you mean that this one is staged.

I agree. I'm not a fan of their channel. Their "pranks" have to be staged.

As in candid camera crap? Yawn.

Sounds like a funny prank. Off to look it up on youtuble. Thanks.

Now playing

No need to put PRANKS in quotations. Pranks don't have to follow the same formula as candid camera. Scare Tactics on the Sci Fi channel is a certified prank show, and it involves scaring the shit out of people. If all people were as boring as you Jezebels, we'd never have this gem of a reaction;

My theory, he hates Asian women because he feels rejected by them. He also hates Zuckerberg because he's white and has an Asian wife.

He's an Elliot Rodger type, except that he prefers Asian women.

Disagree. He has a handsome face.

Nope. MRAs don't support double standards like this. It's the male "feminists" and male chauvinists that do. They constantly point out this double standard on their forums and criticize those who express it. These cases are used as ammunition for saying, "look, women rape too!!".

I agree. I remember reading up on this case in detail, and I did not come away with the feeling that she was guilty. There did seem to be some misogyny involved in her prosecution. Weird that feminists often treat this story as fact.

I don't believe the stories surrounding her. I recall reading up on this case in detail, looking at both sides, and came away with the feeling that she was wrongly accused.

Pretty sick to refer to an innocent baby girl as "his spawn". smh

I thought they "sneaked" the sex. You mean that's ALLOWED there?