
I can’t help but read this advice as “Make people like you more by pretending that you care about what they have to say about a subject!” In terms of people that are actually experts in many fields, they’ll just read these questions as “I am fishing for your expertise without actually paying for it”, a la the classic

100% exactly right. Trump is Rob Ford with more money, and is the leading candidate because he is unafraid to say stupid shit. Too many people think that means they can write him off, but the base sees “Oh, he’s a real person, not just a corporate shill!” and that’s enough. Trump could seriously be the next president

YES. I was thinking of this same scene. Hits a lot of the same notes as the Patlabor one, too.

Perhaps most impressive, however, was the ability to spawn endless frogs that eventually started wrecking havoc on the frame rate and bringing my powerful computer to a standstill:

If you haven’t played P4 (which you can get on the Playstation store for PS3) or watched P4: the Animation (which you can watch here:… ), start with those. Golden: the Animation is literally a New Game+ run through the story.

Jesse Eisenberg is my favourite part of this, because he seems to be channelling Crispin Glover.

Which is exactly the same thing that was said about The Sims, to be fair.

I’m a 30-something who played Contra for the first time a few weeks ago, but has had game systems since the 80s.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve never cared much for the Final Fantasy series, but Fighting Fantasy! Oh, those were good times. And they had the best covers! A personal favourite:

“Core tenants” are the lynchpin residents. “Core tenets” are the primary guiding axioms. #corrections #arehashtagsevenathinginkinja? #notheyareapparentlynot

I buy fast food burgers because the alternative is buying expensive-ish ground beef, forming patties, seasoning them and cooking them carefully so the resulting product doesn’t make me violently ill.

The other thing that is really nice about the remastered edition is the bonus themes. It’s such a small little thing, but man! No PS3 theme has ever been as nice as the wandering-deer-in-ruins SOTC one.

The Devil Survivors, like many SMT games, are independent stories; you don’t have to play the first to understand the second. The first is often on sale in the eShop; I really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to trying the second.

When I saw the demo video was an hour, I was all “Psh, not gonna waste my time.” But I decided to watch just a bit anyway. And then I was mesmerised and watched the whole friggin’ thing.

YES. Exactly what I thought of. You turn on the machine, the screen fades in, and you’re already dodging a missle. Not even the SEGA logo.

I am getting a real uncanny valley thing from this trailer. It looks like dolls filmed in stop motion, and then cleaned up with CG to make them ‘more realistic’ to me, and it is weird.

What do Single Jewish Women have to do with this? Sounds like you need somebody to use a heart wand on you.

It seems a little lazy to still be calling the 3DS "surprisingly-excellent". The article used for the point is from 2013, after all, so I think you can just call it "excellent" by now.

It seems a little lazy to still be calling the 3DS "surprisingly-excellent". The article used for the point is from

80s, 90s, 00s, 10s. Also, once you reach 30 you're in your fourth decade of life, and we're over that barrier here, so.