
writer: *list of reasons why something is transphobic*

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Language is a weird thing, and it’s impossible to proscribe (over a length of time) how it will evolve.

The level of hysterical outrage in your post is precious. Which Nazi-apologist speakers are invited onto campuses to talk precisely? Ben Shapiro? Jordan Peterson? Christina Hoff Sommers? Charles Murray? Milo Yiannopolous? Essentially: every goddamn speaker who doesn’t follow your far Left ideological purity test. Case

Take a nap, Chicken Little.

the uncomfortable truth for the bro white fuck boys out there is that there are too fucking many of them.

Not a popular opinion these days, but I’ve seen the same thing. One place I am very well familiar with we pass on white/asian/middle-east/rest of the world candidates that say may be at 95% of what position we’re looking for, in favor of black/Hispanic candidates that are about 80% of the skill set we need.

Yeah, don’t get me wrong, my sister and I fucking loved the game back in the day, but in retrospect it becomes clear all the game needed to win that enthusiasm was merely allow 2 players to use controllers simultaneously.

Them studio ghibli graphics hooked me immediately too,haha

Discussing “personality” in a JRPG is a pretty loaded concept. We could be talking about how the music fits the game, if the characters are cool, if the battle system is slick, or the quality of the writing or plot progression.