The band still has to perform heavy penance for “south Detroit” which, as everyone in my part of the world knows, is Windsor, Ontario.
The band still has to perform heavy penance for “south Detroit” which, as everyone in my part of the world knows, is Windsor, Ontario.
I love seeing pictures of ridiculously short people next to ridiculously tall people. Genetics are crazy.
The saddest thing about this whole tragedy is that the LADP didn't bother investigating and the LA Times couldn't be bothered to report on a single case until recently. This case has shown me that America is more than willing to consume black women in media but their lives, be they taken by the state or private…
True victims’ bodies have a way* of shutting this down.
Had she had a gun, she would have been alive now, as guns defend people from other guns, duh!
My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.
I recently bought a pair a pale blue chinos before I realized they fucking match my skin tone.
The thing is, he wanted chicken, she bought him chicken, she asked if he wanted pizza, he said no, he nibbled hers, pretended he didn’t want any, and then ate the original fucking thing anyway when she bought herself a whole other slice. This fucking guy is too much work, he’s a goddamned liar, and he can fuck off…
Would wear. On what occasion, I have no idea, but that’s hardly salient.
If it’s not dangerous to remove the plug then why does that hole look so shocked?
She's not a murderer, just a paddlephile.
are the pictures of the girls being all spazzy and wobbly for anyone else? or did i really have a rage stroke from the earlier news today and my vision is damaged?
Because helping the black cause trumps multiple women being sexually assaulted by this black man. Got it.
‘Dickery’ is a bit of an understatement for someone who raped over 50 women.
As another perpetual single this is something that I’m dying to know as well.
Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.
He looks like he smells like cigarettes and old spice.
what ever is on clearance in TJMaxx.