I Kissed Your Dad and He Liked It

I think the dingo ate your baby.

Why thank you!

It was a good old fashioned concept album! Bey and Jay are songwriters. This is like saying JK Rowling really went to a witch school. Jeez.

Because Becky doesn’t exist.

Their family takes personal branding seriously. Didn’t Kim sue Old Navy a while back for using a model who looked exactly like her? This makes no sense at all. The shirts are butt ugly in addition to being offensive af.

I was on the periphery of the biz during those years as well. I hung out with most of the bands mentioned and it was the best time of my life. “Turn on the Bright Lights” was the soundtrack for many late Hollywood nights that turned into early mornings. I feel like an indie Norma Desmond reading this. Damn I miss

They are all pretty damn cute. I suspect the contestants get lots of cuddles and treats, so they probably don’t mind.

Seeeing as these folks won’t even make a Halloween cake, i’m guessing they do a full background check on each customer.

It gets better. The one girl thinks Leonard Bernstein was a “pink panther” then she actually says “LOL” and corrects to “black panthers”. This is peak WTF White People.

Bill Hicks-oops I mean Alex Jones-seems like the type to want alien eggs put in his rectum. And scat stuff. We’re talking lots of poop here.

It’s prime for the Gen X aging hipster (I wear my badge proudly). Winona! All the nods to the 80's films of yore- Stand By Me, ET, etc. the neighborhood looks exactly like where I grew up, which makes sense as it’s filmed in Georgia.

She has been renting a mansion close to Cedars Sinai, so it makes no damn sense she would go to UCLA.

I always thought Lisa and Lenny Kravitz were the best looking couple. Jason is even hotter than Lenny.

I think it is the Balenciaga IKEA bag!

Oh hell no! Kill it with fire!

That’s true. It still has to be hell for her. She’s so young, but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I have nothing but love for Ms. Grande.

I’m definitely too old to be in her target market, but I think “Problem” is a great fucking pop song. I really applaud her for handling this so well. I hope she continues to heal. EODM were pretty open about needing a ton of therapy after the Bataclan.

Keep calm and carry on (swallowing your vomit from the stinky stinky stench fest).

Would watch.