I Kissed Your Dad and He Liked It

It was definitely hotter than 75 in Lower Manhattan today. It’s humid as well. In that area, it always feels hotter. I was raised in South Carolina so I know heat. I was running an errand near the 9-11 memorial the other day, and I was sweating like a hog after 15 minutes. Now that we know she is battling pneumonia,

I’m getting Mirena later this month. Cannot. Wait. I’ve been having my period 3 weeks on, 1 week off for 6 months now and I am going nuts.

Sometimes. Kind of the same way I miss my party girl days, and get sad when I see those “Share this memory” pics on Facebook from my younger, hotter days.

Amen to that, sister!

What about trying to take them off while you are all boob-sweaty? It is like a whole other workout.

Yeah, once I hit 40 it was like my sex drive walked out the door. I haven't seen it since.

Female escort. It was MFF. The guy I was seeing was super into threesomes. I had a great time, but those days are behind me. Middle aged threesomes just don’t have the same allure.

I had an enjoyable threesome years ago- my then-partner and I hired an escort. Great way to do it- no hurt feelings or jealousy.

The Republicans are grasping at straws. This is their best shot- “She gets sick! Oh noes! Trump is like a cockroach- he will be here after Armegeddon!”

Me either. All jokes aside, she does work, so why shouldn't she party her face off at Burning Man if she wants to?

“Maps” is credited to all three YYY’s so she can’t pick and choose which person wrote the line. I like that Beyoncé always credits anyone and everyone who had a hand in the song. To quote Kanye, she “respects artistry”.

How do you even consume that much fruit? I guess if you smoothied them up it might be possible, but you would practically have to eat every minute of the day. How would you find the time to work out?

The glasses are ugly, and i’ve never heard of most of these people. That said, at least they are doing something good (donating glasses) instead of blowing up people’s colons (I’m looking at you Flat Tummy Tea).

Me too. I always thought nuns were kind of goth. The black clothing and creepy religious imagery, the incense...I think that is why I like Catholicism.

Yep. In my opinion (which means nothing) taking a dick pic with your kid is way beyond the “open marriage” scope. I just wonder how the sextee chick kept her mouth shut for a year. Maybe he should start by not sexting hardcore Republicans, but hey- what do I know?

Howard Hughes on line 1, Mr. Brown.

She must be into it. Maybe it’s an open marriage and she has her own stuff going on, or maybe she thinks his antics are hot.

I like to wear my Long Island Railroad Conductor’s cap in the bath too. Wanna do some coke?

I have no shame. Velveeta is awesome. Especially when mixed with Ro-Tel.

Velveeta is the closest cousin to the OG gov’mint cheez. Not quite the same- I think the guv was a bit more sharp. Give that grilled cheese a side of Campbell’s tomato soup and life is truly beautiful.