
You’ve come to the wrong hood, bruh.

They are unparalleled in the business of retro game emulation. Nobody does it better.”

Yes, sorry, I was totally joking. I forgot to use “/s” at the end of my comment and when I tried to do so the edit time window had passed.

Okay, I am of the mindset that Stadia is for some people and not for others....but why do you need an extra controller and a headset for a new console when the person is only going to be playing single player games?

Found the Nintendo employee.

The worst thing is that they’re not an indie developer who might have a tight budget and unable to dedicate resources into patching these bugs, it’s freaking Square Enix, they are loaded. They can afford to release a properly working game or at least to have some of their staff work on patching the bugs. Shame.

Gotta love the “why’s” that have a “what if” attached to them:Why did I park it there...what if I didn’t park it there?”

My apologies, as you and others have pointed out, I misread that part of the article. Sorry! And I wasn’t going off though, I thought you were referring to Cecilia as a “he” and made the mistake of trying to point it out, which I now know was my error. Sorry again. 

So you missed out on Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and Wind Waker?!? 😱

Same here. As soon as the gameplay was shown I immediately thought to myself “I’m so buying this the moment it’s released.”

“...the Nintendo 64 wasn’t the most revolutionary home console...

I literally just logged in so I can say this: I love your enthusiasm. I give it a 12/10!

Calm down, snowflake, don't be so sensitive. Are you gonna cry?

I’m pretty sure Cecilia doesn’t identify as a “He”

That’s exactly what that quoted comment you are citing is saying, that we only know the side people want us to know about them.It doesn’t only Twitch knew about his behavior in any way.

Michael, once again, very well said. 👏🏼

You seriously cannot be this dumb. 

Is everyone in the comments really this dense?! It might seem too unfair and ridiculous of a law to a lot of you, which I agree with, but it’s a law nonetheless. Every country has or has had its share of ridiculous laws, the U.S. included. I’m not sure what country you live in but Brian made the “where, how, when, and

Bro, this is Japan. I’m not sure where you live but Brian made it very clear in his article as to why the person is being persecuted over this. I’m not sure why you’re still confused. Some countries have ridiculous laws, the U.S. has its share of some.

They weren’t meant, or designed, to be “hosed down.” 🤦🏻‍♂️