You’re pretty...
You’re pretty...
“How well has Sega done after they took that route?”
Especially considering this quote from Reggie:
“But as an adult with a job...”
“For us is about the content. Nintendo is a content-focused company.” - Reggie
OMG....OP delivered photographic evidence.....I love you, OP.
“On hearing that, she held her tears back,” Tabata said, speaking through a translator. “With a big smile, she said, chin up and keep up the good work, daddy. Then she went back to her room and brought me a picture drawing of me working. It wasn’t a good drawing, actually. She obviously put her worry for me ahead…
Awesome shot!
I like your optimism.
Wind Waker is such a beautiful game and I’m SO glad Nintendo went with that art direction for the game, it seriously doesn’t look last gen (and I’m referring to the Gamecube version).
Wow. That is definitely a drastic change. That E3 2014 trailer looks absolutely stunning.
Wait....what the hell?!?! So that’s Link running alongside one of his previous reincarnations? Is there time traveling in this game? What?!?
Sure thing, Luke....those are not renders, those are photos of real life plants and rocks.
Same! For me she’s one the most annoying characters in the game alongside the old lady who insists on speaking like Yoda and the creepy restaurateur that keeps referencing a fictional character (“Kenny and I been waiting for you.”) every time you see him.
I don’t see Shiva from Final Fantasy XV anywhere up there. Unless it’s that purple skin girl who doesn’t really look like Shiva in FFXV and she’s doing her own interpretation, then I guess, yes.
Why not both?
Go light on the salt, some say it can be bad for your blood pressure.
I’m pretty sure I micro-fainted with a frozen smile on my face....I may have had a pleasant heart attack too. That is way too much fan service and that girl deserves ALL the trophies.