AmishJohn: The redesign bites tender portions of various anatomies..

@Platypus Man: Even worse than, um, 'decontamination'?

Penfold's work on the Sidekick Homunculus, however, never caught on.

@SpikeJnZ - Shomer Shabbos: depends on the school. A liberal arts campus, for example, will prepare you for the exciting world of Food Service...

"And, if your death is sufficiently heroic, we'll reconstruct your remains, cast them in Lucite, and park them here. Don't worry; friends and family members can always pick up their own copy at the gift shop..."

Pic 2:

@Balmut: True. Just ask Richard Gere...

@Grglstr: Carol Anne is safe from the aliens.

@Tyrunn: It is when we're talking Christopher Lloyd...

@maxijet: so I exaggerated... not much.

@manteuffel: too bad 75% of the crApple isn't tagged right...

@ikaiyoo: You have to do each seperate, IE:/not:foo/not:bar

@maxijet: I'm already up to about 16; any more and I'll have to tinyurl the link...

@golferal: Eh, you hear one crappy joke, you've heard 'em all...