@Ghost in the Machine: I see a lot of Bureau 13 in SU2 - B13 came out in the early 80's, and had a lot of the same over-the-topness. Full Moonster was even set in Chicago.
@Ghost in the Machine: I see a lot of Bureau 13 in SU2 - B13 came out in the early 80's, and had a lot of the same over-the-topness. Full Moonster was even set in Chicago.
@MrGOH: Well, there was racism and shots to the groin in the book, so I'd hope for accuracy.
@SupaChupacabra: Really! Only nye kulturni put Ketchup on dogs. The proper accoutriments are mustard, relish, onions, tomato wedges, a dill spear, sport peppers, and celery salt. Coneys and rippers are for advanced students only.
@Krakenstein MK-II: A pallet of Hamdingers?
@cesariojpn: I prefer them on the side of Good...
@FrankN.Stein: My google-Fu is weak; I couldn't find the Giant Zentradi Head in a Jar from Do You Remember Love...
@MisterOkapi: Shhh. Let the mea culpa brigade wallow in their guilt for a while.
@Bigdamnhero: Sometimes I think 'my' politicians are from Za' Ha' Dum...
@Elpon: I dunno, I could use a Pisa the action...
@KingOfAwesometonia: ZPE is where it's at, baby...
Looks like a Dougal Dixon critter.
@Hofnarr: They were already on the way to being ul-Gorilla...
@Chip Overclock: I don't know Watt's wrong; usually you resist the current arc.
@Chip Overclock: I'm stunned you went there.
@Mr_Sives_Remotoc: Only if the glovebox door is signed by... HIM.
@-Beefmalone: I had no idea that 'Redneck' was one of the checkboxes on a census form...
@Jones Foyer: He's the Juggernaut, bitch!
@Scandinavian Flick doesn't need snow to oppo: True. You don't need a Jimmy to run the show.