AmishJohn: The redesign bites tender portions of various anatomies..

@Pessimippopotamus: Aston should have plenty of $ for Mercedes to pilfe- I mean merge with...

@roninpenguin: They received a (presumably) alien warning signal.

@ProgHead777: No tits, tho. That's what really pulls the R rating.

@CurtD032: It goes back even farther:

@cadrina: Pod people. Or Stepfords.

To paraphrase Franklin:

@BlueLightRosie: You shoulda seen the weeping and hair-tearing when ours did Damn Yankees...

Nardelli's search for alternate funding goes horribly wrong...

@Ravennl: Choosing the correct arrow is... complex.

@FrankenPC: Didn't... need... to... know... that...

@Br1zon: They're nice if you aren't 6'4. Or interested in seeing out.


@cobaltage: Legend 2: Electric Zombieloo

@Eirias: After that, we can teach them Krikkit.

@MegaShark: That's why I can't use cruise control; it doesn't matter if there's 15 car lengths between me and the car ahead - it just feels like I'm gonna plow into the semi in front of me.