AmishJohn: The redesign bites tender portions of various anatomies..

@Palmerlime: I see a Falcon Punch in Batman's future...

Don't complain; it has more full-electric range than the Volt...

@Skunky: I think you missed a couple "Hurr"s ...

@EdificeComplex: You're lucky; your major intestine was probably preparing to step in.

@revdrkevind: Can I reserve 62 tickets for the IMAX-3D version please? Especially if Bay cameos in it.

@uzter54: Shadow Wolves Grey.

@nuclearbalm: That's part of my 'Quantum Eddie Murphy' theory: The more times you see Ed in a film the worse it is.

@HycoSpeed: Burninating the Pheasants!

The driver already supplies more than enough ass.

@Simon DelMonte: Word is that this one will have a Baen CD included in the first run, and if they follow to form, it should include a whole lotta Bujold.

Are we pretending Eddie Murphy's Haunted Mansion never happened, then? Please?

@gmuslera: With the proper application of Handwavium's Corollary, Bologonium can be sucessfully substituted for narrativium.

@mordicai: 'You Find It, You Name It' is thousands of years old. Ask the inhabitants of, oh, 90% of the 'New World'.

@RalOberon: You really don't want to land Ol' Bang-Bang at Canaveral. Or Edwards, for that matter.

@leftatmars: Hou haven't met many toddlers, then.

@king_saberhawk: If you look just off the side, you can see Leo Buscaglia working on another thesis.