AmishJohn: The redesign bites tender portions of various anatomies..

And we all lose another passionate promoter of Astronomy.

@3.slow: You'll be an expert in no time.

@Sticks Calhoun: Valentine Michael Smith apprives of your plan.

Ah, Brit clampers are pikers. A US tow truck driver would've towed him, in the car, to the impound lot.

Building below sea level... at sea! What could possibly go wrong?

@MrGOH: Dynamite catch.

@Rob-Stercraw: Take your time. We can watch the clip again. hopefully we'll see it all.

@Alfisted: Their motives are rather transparent, aren't they?

Gah. Gimme the Nome King, gimmie Mombi, gimmie Ozma, gimmie L.FRANK's world, not the one written to coattail off it.

@Mark 2000: Really. They're all far better than people seem to want to give them credit for...

@mr_dude: It's certainly more fun then figuring out how Kenny is going to die.

@DoctorNine: what the who the i dont even...

@armyofchuckness: It needs gingerbread - or grilles - inboard of the headlights. There's too much paint and not enough chrome or other contrasts in the front. It looks like a model of a car built by a kid who hasn't mastered shading in the panel lines.